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iphone-elite - IphoneSyslogd.wiki

How to redirect syslogd output to a file.

  1. create usual /etc/syslog.conf e.g. *.* /var/log/syslog

  2. add the following lines to /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.syslogd.plist right after <string>/usr/sbin/syslogd</string>: <string>-bsd_out</string> <string>1</string>

  3. reboot & enjoy your kernel and other messages


Once enabled, syslog will grow in size really fast... To disable it without changing the plist, here is a quick way:

  • Disable syslog: ```

    rm /var/log/syslog; mknod /var/log/syslog c 3 2


  • Re-Enable syslog: ```

    rm /var/log/syslog; touch /var/log/syslog
