NOTE: If you are an author/advocate of a framework listed here, feel free to contribute to the wiki to improve the accuracy of the data. If you know of a REST-ful framework/library that is not listed here, contact one of the project members to add it to the list.
REST Frameworks
- ActiveResource
(Ruby on Rails)
- BlueEyes
- Bowler
- Compojure-REST (Clojure)
- Crochet
- Django REST framework
- Exyus
- Jersey
- MindTouch Dream
- OpenRasta
- Persevere
- Pinky
- Piston
- Ramone
- Recess
- Resauce
- Resourceful
- RESTEasy
- Restfulie
- Restish
- REST in Akka
- REST in HAppS
- REST in Lift
- REST in Python
- Restlet
- Scalatra
- Sinatra
- Snooze
- spray
- Taimen
(Java, Clojure)
- TastyPie
- Unfiltered
- VRaptor
(Java, Scala)
- Webmachine
- Yesod