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imagescanner - GettingStarted.wiki

Getting started

ATTENTION: You MUST have the drivers of your scanner device installed and working before getting started.


Python: * Check REQUIREMENTS in the setup.py file. If you install using setup.py install the python requirements will be install ed automagically for you.

On Linux: * libsane >= 1.0 * pysane >= 2.0

On Windows: * None (so far)


There are a few ways that you can use to install ImageScanner:

  1. From Python Package Index pip install imagescanner
  2. From the source code: cd imagescanner python setup.py install

Scanning a file

  • Getting access to a scanner device: ``` from imagescanner import ImageScanner

    instantiate the imagescanner obj

    iscanner = ImageScanner()

    get all available devices

    scanners = iscanner.list_scanners()

    choose one of the devices

    scanner = scanners[0]

    scan your file (returns a PIL object)

    scanner.scan() ```