
An easy-to-use Google Guice bridge for MyBatis sql mapping framework

An easy-to-use Google Guice 2 bridge for An easy-to-use Google Guice bridge for MyBatis sql mapping framework.

It's not a DAO Framework but rather a small library that simplifies your Persistent Layer creation on top of iBatis 3 through Google Guice 2. Moreover, a set of 3rd part caches integration is supported as well.

If you want to keep in touch with the dev team, know the latest news and raising questions, join the Mailing List


We're very VERY proud to announce that the iBaGuice core has been accepted to be part of the official myBatis subproject!!! Stay tuned on mybatis.org to see the next release!!!!


After a long temp of release quality check, iBaGuice 1.0 has been finally released!!! Check out the new iBaGuice home to see what's new!!!

... and don't forget that iBaGuice is finally available on Maven Central Repo!!!


After exactly one month after the 1.0-beta-1 release, here it comes the 1.0-beta-2 release. Please check the changes out, and don't forget to send any question, feedback, something else on the iBaGuice Group!!!


We started signing deployed artifacts on iBaGuice repository using GnuPG, you can find our public key to verify them on


The 1.0 SNAPSHOT version is out, please send your feedbacks to help us improving iBaGuice APIs!!!

Project Information

java guice ibatis