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Local Installation

Package Installation

Hypertable can be installed via binary packages. The packages come bundled with nearly all of the dependent shared libraries. The nice thing about this approach is that just two packages are required for linux, a 64-bit linux package and a 32-bit linux package. The only requirement is that your system is built with glibc 2.4+ (released on March 6th 2006 and provides stack smashing protection). If you're running an older distribution with pre 2.4 glibc, you can build your own binary packages by following the instructions in #Appendix_B._How_To_Package.

System packages (*.rpm, *.deb and *.dmg) can be installed by users with root access. For users without root access, the compressed archive *.tar.bz2 can be unpacked in any directory the user has write permission.

RPM installation rpm -i <package>.rpm Debian installation dpkg --install <package>.deb Bzipped archive installation tar jxvf <package>.tar.bz2 Mac installation:

Double-click the .dmg file and follow the instructions

The RPM, Debian, and Mac packages will install Hypertable under a directory by the name of /opt/hypertable/$VERSION by default. If you don't have root access or cannot modify the /opt directory, use the .tar.bz2 archive to install Hypertable wherever you would like.

FHS-ize Installation

The binary packages will install Hypertable entirely under /opt/hypertable/$VERSION. The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard states that host-specific configuration files for add-on application software packages should reside under /etc/opt and that variable data of the packages (log files, etc.) should reside under /var/opt. Hypertable ships with a script that will modify an installation to conform to the Filesystem Hierachy Standard. If you're running as a user other than root, first create hypertable directories in /etc/opt and /var/opt and change ownership to the user account under which the binaries will be run. For example:

$ sudo mkdir /etc/opt/hypertable /var/opt/hypertable $ sudo chown doug:staff /etc/opt/hypertable /var/opt/hypertable

Then run the fhsize.sh from within the installation. For example:

$ /opt/hypertable/ Setting up /var/opt/hypertable Setting up /etc/opt/hypertable

We strongly recommend that you fhsize your installation. The nice thing about FHS-izing your installations is that the directories containing the config files, hyperspace, run directory, localBroker root directory, and log archives carry over from one version to the next. Otherwise, you need to copy the contents of the conf/, hyperspace/, run/, fs/, and log/ from your old install to the new one each time you upgrade. When fhsize.sh is run for the first time, it will copy the contents of the conf/ directory from the binary package to /etc/opt/hypertable and it will copy the contents of the fs/, run/, hyperspace/, and log/ directories to corresponding directories in /var/opt/hypertable if they are non-empty. When fhsize.sh is run subsequently, it will detect the existence of files in /etc/opt/hypertable and /var/opt/hypertable and will leave them intact. Here's what the installation directory looks like after running fhsize.sh: $ ls -l /opt/hypertable/ total 16 drwxr-xr-x 2 doug staff 4096 2011-04-14 19:44 bin lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug staff 15 2011-04-14 19:45 conf -> /etc/opt/hypertable drwxr-xr-x 5 doug staff 4096 2011-04-14 19:45 examples lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug staff 18 2011-04-14 19:45 fs -> /var/opt/hypertable/fs lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug staff 26 2011-04-14 19:45 hyperspace -> /var/opt/hypertable/hyperspace drwxr-xr-x 9 doug staff 4096 2011-04-14 19:44 include drwxr-xr-x 7 doug staff 4096 2011-04-14 19:45 lib lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug staff 19 2011-04-14 19:45 log -> /var/opt/hypertable/log lrwxrwxrwx 1 doug staff 19 2011-04-14 19:45 run -> /var/opt/hypertable/run

Set current link

After installation, make a symlink from /opt/hypertable/current to your current version.

$ cd /opt/hypertable $ ln -s current

Verify Installation

Start the hypertable servers (in local/single node mode) $ /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht start all-servers local DFS broker: available file descriptors: 1024 Started DFS Broker (local) Started Hyperspace Started Hypertable.Master Started Hypertable.RangeServer Started ThriftBroker

Use the Hypertable shell for experiments. For an introduction to the commands available, see #HQL_Tutorial.

``` /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell

Welcome to the hypertable command interpreter. For information about Hypertable, visit http://www.hypertable.org/

Type 'help' for a list of commands, or 'help shell' for a list of shell meta commands.

hypertable> Create and use a namespace called "bar" hypertable> create namespace bar; hypertable> use bar; Create a table named "foo" hypertable> create table foo ( c1, c2 ); Show the tables. hypertable> show tables; foo Insert some data into table "foo". hypertable> insert into foo values("001", "c1", "totally"), ("000", "c1", "Hypertable"), ("001", "c2", "awesome"), ("000", "c2", "is"); Select data from table "foo". hypertable> select * from foo; 000 c1 Hypertable 000 c2 is 001 c1 totally 001 c2 awesome Drop table "foo" hypertable> drop table foo; Drop namespace "bar" hypertable> use "/"; hypertable> drop namespace bar; ``` Finally, to shut everything down, use the stop-servers command:

/opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht stop-servers

Cluster Installation

Capistrano - A Tool for Automating Tasks on Remote Servers

The Hypertable distribution comes a number of scripts to start and stop the various servers that make up a Hypertable cluster. You can use your own cluster management tool to launch these scripts and deploy new binaries. However, if you're not already using a cluster management tool, we recommend Capistrano. The distribution comes with a Capistrano config file (conf/Capfile.cluster) that makes deploying and launching Hypertable a breeze.

Capistrano is a simple tool for automating the remote execution of tasks. It uses ssh to do the remote execution. To ease deployment, you should have password-less ssh access (e.g. public key) to all of the machines in your cluster. Installing Capistrano is pretty simple. On most systems you just need to execute the following command $ sudo gem update $ sudo gem install capistrano After this installation step you should now have the cap program in your path: $ cap --version Capistrano v2.5.8

Step 1. Edit Capistrano Capfile

Once you have Capistrano installed, copy the conf/Capfile.cluster that comes with the Hypertable distribution to your working directory (e.g. home directory) on admin1, rename it to Capfile, and tailor it for your environment. The cap command reads the file Capfile in the current working directory by default. There are some variables that are set at the top that you need to modify for your particular environment. The following shows the variables at the top of the Capfile that need modification: set :source_machine, "admin" set :install_dir, "/opt/hypertable" set :hypertable_version, "" set :default_pkg, "/tmp/hypertable-" set :default_dfs, "hadoop" set :default_config, "/home/doug/hypertable.cfg" Here's a brief description of each variable:

| variable | description | |:-------------|:----------------| | source_machine | machine from which you will build the binaries, distribute them to the other machines, and launch the service. | | install_dir | directory on source_machine where you have installed Hypertable. It is also the directory on the remote machines where the installation will get rsync'ed to. | | hypertable_version | version of Hypertable you are deploying | | default_pkg | Path to binary package file (either .dmg or .rpm) on source machine | | default_dfs | distributed file system you are running Hypertable on top of. Valid values are "local", "hadoop", "kfs", or "ceph" | | default_config | location of the default configuration file that plan to use | Table 1. Hypertable Capistrano Variables

In addition to the above variables, you also need to define three roles, one for the machine that will run the master processes, one for the machines that will run the Hyperspace replicas, and one for the machines that will run the RangeServers. Edit the following lines: role :source, "admin1" role :master, "master" role :hyperspace, "hyperspace001", "hyperspace002", "hyperspace003" role :slave, "slave001", "slave002", "slave003", "slave004", "slave005", "slave006", "slave007", "slave008" role :localhost, "admin1" role :thriftbroker role :spare

Here's a brief description of each role:

| role | description | |:---------|:----------------| | source | This role is for the machine you will be distributing the binaries from, admin in this example | | master | This role is for the machine that will run the Hypertable master process as well as a DFS broker. Ideally this machine is high quality and somewhat lightly loaded (e.g. not running a RangeServer). Typically you would have a high quality machine running the Hypertable master, a Hyperspace replica, and the HDFS NameNode | | hyperspace | This role is for the machines that will run Hyperspace replicas. There should be at least one machine defined for this role. The machines that take on this role should be somewhat lightly loaded (e.g. not running a RangeServer) | | slave | This role is for the machines that will run RangeServers. Hypertable is designed to run on a filesystem like HDFS. In fact, the system works best from a performance standpoint when the RangeServers are run on the same machines as the HDFS DataNodes. This role will also launch a DFS broker and a ThriftBroker. | | localhost | This should be the name of the machine that you're administering the cluster from, admin1 in this example | | thriftbroker | This role is for machines that will just be running the ThriftBroker (e.g. web servers) | | spare | This role is for machines that will act as standbys. They will be kept current with the latest binaries | Table 2. Hypertable Capistrano Roles

Step 2. Distribute and Install Binaries

If you're installing binary packages (e.g. .dmg or .rpm), put the Hypertable package that you want to install, on the source machine, admin1 in this example. Modify the hypertable_version and default_pkg variables at the top of the Capfile to contain the version of Hypertable you are installing and the absolute path to the package file on the source machine, respectively. Then distribute and install the binary package with the following command: $ cap install_package If you're installing from binaries that you've compiled directly or from the .tar.bz2 archive, you can use Capistrano to distribute the binaries with rsync. On admin1 be sure Hypertable is installed in the location specified by the install_dir variable at the top of the Capfile and that the hypertable_version variable at the top of the Capfile matches the version you are installing (/opt/hypertable and in this example). Then distribute the binaries with the following command: $ cap dist NOTE: You may have to increase the value of MaxStartups in your /etc/sshd_config file if it is less than the number of nodes in your cluster

Step 3. FHS-ize Installation

See #FHS-ize_Installation for an introduction to FHS. If you're running as a user other than root, first create the directories /etc/opt/hypertable and /var/opt/hypertable on all machines in the cluster and change ownership to the user account under which the binaries will be run. For example:

$ sudo mkdir /etc/opt/hypertable /var/opt/hypertable $ sudo chown doug:staff /etc/opt/hypertable /var/opt/hypertable

Then FHS-ize the installation with the following command: $ cap fhsize

Step 4. Distribute Custom hypertable.cfg file

Configuring Hypertable is straightforward. You just need to copy the default config file (conf/hypertable.cfg) to a permanent location (outside the installation directory) and change the following properties:

| Property | Description | |:---------|:------------| | HdfsBroker.fs.default.name | Hadoop ONLY: Hadoop filesystem name | | Kfs.MetaServer.Name | KFS ONLY: KFS metaserver machine name | | Kfs.MetaServer.Port | KFS ONLY: KFS metaserver port | | CephBroker.MonAddr | Ceph ONLY: Ceph monitor machine address | | Hyperspace.Replica.Host | Name of host running Hyperspace replica (one line for each replica) |

See hypertable-example.cfg

Once you've edited the configuration file for your cluster on admin1, be sure the absolute pathname referenced in the default_config Capfile variable points to this file (e.g. /home/doug/hypertable.cfg). Then distribute the custom config files with the following command: $ cap push_config

Step 5. Set current link

We typically create a symbolic link current in the installation directory (i.e. install_dir) to point to the current installation directory. To do this for the installation you've just pushed out, execute the following command: $ cap set_current

Step 6. Synchronize Clocks

The system cannot operate correctly unless the clocks on all machines are synchronized. Use the Network Time Protocol (ntp) to ensure that the clocks get synchronized and remain in sync. Run the 'date' command on all machines to make sure they are in sync. The following Capistrano shell session show the output of a cluster with properly synchronized clocks.

cap> date [establishing connection(s) to master, hyperspace001, hyperspace002, hyperspace003, slave001, slave002, slave003, slave004, slave005, slave006, slave007, slave008] ** [out :: master] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009 ** [out :: hyperspace001] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009 ** [out :: hyperspace002] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009 ** [out :: hyperspace003] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009 ** [out :: slave001] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009 ** [out :: slave002] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009 ** [out :: slave003] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009 ** [out :: slave004] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009 ** [out :: slave005] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009 ** [out :: slave007] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009 ** [out :: slave008] Sat Jan 3 18:05:33 PST 2009

Starting and Stopping Hypertable

The following commands should be run from the directory containing the Capfile. To start all of the Hypertable servers ... $ cap start And to stop the service, shutting down all servers ... $ cap stop If you want to wipe your database clean, removing all tables ... $ cap cleandb If you want to launch the service using a different config file than the default (e.g. /home/doug/alternate.cfg) ... $ cap stop $ cap -S config=/home/doug/alternate.cfg start

Adding new servers to an existing cluster

As your data grows, you may want to increase the number of RangeServers in your cluster. Hypertable allows you to do this with 0 downtime and automatic load balancing, ie the system will auto-migrate load from the existing RangeServer machines onto the new machine(s) without any manual intervention. To add machines to an existing cluster you need to first setup services needed by Hypertable on the new machine as follows:

Step 1: Synchronize clocks

To do this you need to run ntpd and wait for clock to synchronize before adding server. Make sure the clocks on the new machine(s) are synchronized with the clocks on the other machines in the cluster. You can verify this by first adding the new machines to your Capfile and then running date on all of the machines in the cluster as follows: $ cap shell cap> date [establishing connection(s) to test09, test08, test10, test11, test12, test13, test14, test15] ** [out :: test09] Thu Sep 22 11:33:48 PDT 2011 ** [out :: test10] Thu Sep 22 11:33:48 PDT 2011 ** [out :: test12] Thu Sep 22 11:33:48 PDT 2011 ** [out :: test08] Thu Sep 22 11:33:48 PDT 2011 ** [out :: test11] Thu Sep 22 11:33:48 PDT 2011 ** [out :: test14] Thu Sep 22 11:33:48 PDT 2011 ** [out :: test15] Thu Sep 22 11:33:48 PDT 2011 ** [out :: test13] Thu Sep 22 11:33:48 PDT 2011

Step 2: Start Hadoop DataNode on new machines

Make sure you are running a local datanode of your DFS with the same configuration as the rest of your cluster. For Cloudera installation, follow instructions in the CDH3 Installation Guide.

Step 3: Deploy Hypertable RangeServers

  1. Check your Capfile to make sure hypertable_version is the correct version
  2. Edit your Capfile to add the new server(s) to the slave list (should've been done in Step 1)
  3. cap dist (If you have an fhsized install, login to the new servers and run /opt/hypertable/current/bin/fhsize.sh)
  4. cap push_config
  5. cap set_current
  6. cap start_slaves

Up and Running with Hadoop

Step 1. Install Hadoop

NOTE: Hadoop version 0.20.2 contains a bug which can cause Hypertable to lose data or become corrupt in the face of machine failure. The set of patches in the 0.20-append branch fixes this problem. Be sure to apply these patches, or use a distribution that includes them such as CDH3

The first step to getting up and running on a Hadoop Cluster is to install Hadoop. The process for doing this is outside the scope of this document. See CDH3 Installation Guide for details.

The Hadoop cluster is typically administered from the machine that runs the NameNode. For the remainder of this section, we'll assume it is called master and the fs.default.name property in the Hadoop configuration is setup as follows:

<property> <name>fs.default.name</name> <value>hdfs://master:9000</value> </property>

Be sure this property matches the HdfsBroker.fs.default.name property in the Hypertable config file.

Step 2. Start HDFS

Launch HDFS. On the NameNode machine: $ sudo service hadoop-0.20-namenode start $ sudo service hadoop-0.20-secondarynamenode start

On the DataNode machines: $ sudo service hadoop-0.20-datanode start

Wait for HDFS to come out of "safemode":

$ hadoop dfsadmin -safemode wait Safe mode is OFF

Then create the HDFS directory in which Hypertable will store data (/hypertable) and make it readable and writable by the Hypertable processes. If Hadoop and Hypertable are launched from the same user account, this step is not necessary.

$ hadoop fs -mkdir /hypertable $ hadoop fs -chmod 777 /hypertable

Upgrading your Installation

Format Compatible Upgrade

If you're upgrading to a new release of Hypertable that is format compatible with your old one, upgrading is quick and painless. First stop the service and then install the new release. This is a simple matter of editing the hypertable_version and default_pkg to point to the new installation package and issuing the following Capistrano commands: $ cap stop $ cap install_package Once you've done that, you can upgrade with the following Capistrano command: $ cap upgrade

This command performs the following actions:

  1. Verifies that the upgrade is format compatible
  2. Copies the contents of the conf/, hyperspace/, fs/, run/, and log/ directories from the old installation (referenced from the current symlink) into the new installation. If any of these directories are symlinked, then an identical symlink will be created in the new installation and the contents are not copied for that directory.
  3. Sets the current symlink on all machines to point to the new installation

You can then bring the service back up with: $ cap start

Format Incompatible Upgrade

If the new release you are installing is incompatible with the old release, you will need to backup and restore all of your tables. See the following section on how to backup and restore tables. Here's the basic upgrade sequence:

  1. Backup your tables
  2. Install the new release (see #Local_Installation or #Cluster_Installation)
  3. Restore your tables

You can then bring the service back up with: $ cap start

Backing Up and Restoring Tables

Hypertable backup and restore are accomplished with the HQL commands DUMP TABLE and LOAD DATA INFILE. It is possible to create backups with the SELECT command, but it is not recommended because it will output table data in sorted order. When loading data with LOAD DATA INFILE that is in sorted order, only one RangeServer will be kept busy at a time. To combat this problem, the DUMP TABLE command was introduced which will output table data in random order. Loading backups taken with the DUMP TABLE command is much more efficient since all of the participating RangeServers will be kept busy.



!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then echo "usage: $0 [ ... ]" exit 0 fi

namespace=$1 shift while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do echo "Backing up '${namespace}/$1' ..." echo "USE '${namespace}';" > create-table-$1.hql echo "USE '${namespace}'; SHOW CREATE TABLE '$1';" | /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell --silent >> create-table-$1.hql echo ";" >> create-table-$1.hql echo "USE '${namespace}'; DUMP TABLE '$1' INTO FILE '$1.gz';" | /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell shift done ```



!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ $# -lt 2 ] ; then echo "usage: $0 [ ... ]" exit 0 fi

namespace=$1 shift

while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do table=basename $1 | cut -f1 -d'.' echo "Restoring '${namespace}/${table}' ..." cat create-table-$1.hql | /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell echo "USE '${namespace}'; LOAD DATA INFILE '$1.gz' INTO TABLE '$table';" | /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell shift done ```

HQL Tutorial


This tutorial shows you how to import a search engine query log into Hypertable, storing the data into tables with different primary keys, and how to issue queries against the tables. You'll need to download the data from http://hypertable.googlecode.com/files/query-log.tsv.gz:

$ mkdir -p hql_tutorial $ cd hql_tutorial $ wget http://hypertable.googlecode.com/files/query-log.tsv.gz

The next step is to make sure Hypertable is properly installed (see #Local_Installation or #Cluster_Installation) and then launch the service. The following terminal session illustrates how to launch a local instance of Hypertable: $ /opt/hypertable/current/bin/start-all-servers.sh local DFS broker: available file descriptors: 256 Started DFS Broker (local) Started Hyperspace Started Hypertable.Master Started Hypertable.RangeServer Started ThriftBroker

Now fire up an interactive session:

``` $ /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell

Welcome to the hypertable command interpreter. For information about Hypertable, visit http://www.hypertable.org/

Type 'help' for a list of commands, or 'help shell' for a list of shell meta commands.

hypertable> ```

Get help: ``` hypertable> help;

USE ................ Sets the current namespace CREATE NAMESPACE ... Creates a new namespace DROP NAMESPACE ..... Removes a namespace EXISTS TABLE ....... Check if table exists CREATE TABLE ....... Creates a table DELETE ............. Deletes all or part of a row from a table DESCRIBE TABLE ..... Displays a table's schema DROP TABLE ......... Removes a table RENAME TABLE ....... Renames a table DUMP TABLE ......... Create efficient backup file ALTER TABLE ........ Add/remove column family from existing table INSERT ............. Inserts data into a table LOAD DATA INFILE ... Loads data from a TSV input file into a table SELECT ............. Selects (and display) cells from a table SHOW CREATE TABLE .. Displays CREATE TABLE command used to create table SHOW TABLES ........ Displays only the list of tables in the current namespace GET LISTING ........ Displays the list of tables and namespace in the current namespace SHUTDOWN ........... Shuts servers down gracefully

Statements must be terminated with ';'. For more information on a specific statement, type 'help ', where is from the preceeding list.



First, we need to open a namespace within which we will operate on tables. A Hypertable namespace is roughly analogous to a "database" in a system like MySQL. A major difference is that a namespace can contain other namespaces in addition to tables. To start using the root namespace: hypertable> use "/";


To create a new namespace and use it: hypertable> create namespace "Tutorial"; hypertable> use Tutorial;


Now that we have created and opened the "Tutorial" namespace we can create tables within it. In this tutorial we will be loading data into, and querying data from, two separate tables. The first table, QueryLogByUserID, will be indexed by the fields UserID+QueryTime and the second table, QueryLogByTimestamp, will be indexed by the fields QueryTime+UserID. Notice that any identifier that contains non-alphanumeric characters (e.g. '-') must be surrounded by quotes.

``` hypertable> CREATE TABLE QueryLogByUserID ( Query, ItemRank, ClickURL );

Elapsed time: 3.95 s

hypertable> CREATE TABLE QueryLogByTimestamp ( Query, ItemRank, ClickURL );

Elapsed time: 3.95 s


See the HQL Documentation: CREATE TABLE for complete syntax.


Show all of the tables that exist in the current namespace: ``` hypertable> show tables; QueryLogByUserID QueryLogByTimestamp

Elapsed time: 1.91 s



Now, issue the SHOW CREATE TABLE command to make sure you got everything right. We didn't have to include the field called 'row' because we'll use that in our LOAD DATA INFILE command later:

``` hypertable> show create table QueryLogByUserID;

CREATE TABLE QueryLogByUserID ( Query, ItemRank, ClickURL, ACCESS GROUP default (Query, ItemRank, ClickURL) )

Elapsed time: 2.20 s

``` And, notice that, by default, a single ACCESS GROUP is created. Access groups are a way to physically group columns together on disk. See the CREATE TABLE documentation for a more detailed description of access groups.


Now, let's load some data using the MySQL-like TAB delimited format (TSV). For that, we assume you have the example data in the file query-log.tsv.gz. This file includes an initial header line indicating the format of each line in the file by listing tab delimited column names:

``` $ gzcat query-log.tsv.gz

QueryTime UserID Query ItemRank ClickURL

2008-11-13 00:01:30 2289203 kitchen counter in new orleans 10 http://www.era.com 2008-11-13 00:01:30 2289203 kitchen counter in new orleans 4 http://www.superpages.com 2008-11-13 00:01:30 2289203 kitchen counter in new orleans 5 http://www.superpages.com 2008-11-13 00:01:31 1958633 beads amethyst gemstone 1 http://www.gemsbiz.com 2008-11-13 00:01:31 3496052 chat
2008-11-13 00:01:33 892003 photo example quarter doubled die coin 5 http://www.coinresource.com 2008-11-13 00:01:33 892003 photo example quarter doubled die coin 5 http://www.coinresource.com 2008-11-13 00:01:35 2251112 radio stations in buffalo 1 http://www.ontheradio.net 2008-11-13 00:01:37 1274922 fafsa renewal 1 http://www.fafsa.ed.gov 2008-11-13 00:01:37 1274922 fafsa renewal 1 http://www.fafsa.ed.gov 2008-11-13 00:01:37 441978 find phone numbers 1 http://www.anywho.com 2008-11-13 00:01:37 441978 find phone numbers 3 http://www.411.com ... ```

Now let's load the data file query-log.tsv.gz into the table QueryLogByUserID. The row key is formulated by zero-padding the UserID field out to nine digits and concatenating the QueryTime field. The QueryTime field is used as the internal cell timestamp.

``` hypertable> LOAD DATA INFILE ROW_KEY_COLUMN="%09UserID"+QueryTime TIMESTAMP_COLUMN=QueryTime "query-log.tsv.gz" INTO TABLE QueryLogByUserID;

Loading 7,524,712 bytes of input data...

0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100% |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|

Load complete.

Elapsed time: 9.84 s Avg value size: 15.42 bytes Avg key size: 29.00 bytes Throughput: 4478149.39 bytes/s (764375.74 bytes/s) Total cells: 992525 Throughput: 100822.73 cells/s Resends: 0

A quick inspection of the table shows: hypertable> select * from QueryLogByUserID limit 8; 000000036 2008-11-13 10:30:46 Query helena ga 000000036 2008-11-13 10:31:34 Query helena ga 000000036 2008-11-13 10:45:23 Query checeron s 000000036 2008-11-13 10:46:07 Query cheveron gas station 000000036 2008-11-13 10:46:34 Query cheveron gas station richmond virginia 000000036 2008-11-13 10:48:56 Query cheveron glenside road richmond virginia 000000036 2008-11-13 10:49:05 Query chevron glenside road richmond virginia 000000036 2008-11-13 10:49:05 ItemRank 1 000000036 2008-11-13 10:49:05 ClickURL http://yp.yahoo.com 000000053 2008-11-13 15:18:21 Query mapquest 000000053 2008-11-13 15:18:21 ItemRank 1 000000053 2008-11-13 15:18:21 ClickURL http://www.mapquest.com

Elapsed time: 0.01 s Avg value size: 18.08 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 43501.21 bytes/s Total cells: 12 Throughput: 904.70 cells/s ```

Now let's load the data file query-log.tsv.gz into the table QueryLogByTimestamp. The row key is formulated by concatenating the QueryTime field with the nine digit, zero-padded UserID field. The QueryTime field is used as the internal cell timestamp.

``` hypertable> LOAD DATA INFILE ROW_KEY_COLUMN=QueryTime+"%09UserID" TIMESTAMP_COLUMN=QueryTime "query-log.tsv.gz" INTO TABLE QueryLogByTimestamp;

Loading 7,524,712 bytes of input data...

0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100% |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|

Load complete.

Elapsed time: 10.18 s Avg value size: 15.42 bytes Avg key size: 29.00 bytes Throughput: 4330913.20 bytes/s (739243.98 bytes/s) Total cells: 992525 Throughput: 97507.80 cells/s Resends: 0 And a quick inspection of the table shows: hypertable> select * from QueryLogByTimestamp limit 4; 2008-11-13 00:01:30 002289203 Query kitchen counter in new orleans 2008-11-13 00:01:30 002289203 Query kitchen counter in new orleans 2008-11-13 00:01:30 002289203 Query kitchen counter in new orleans 2008-11-13 00:01:30 002289203 ItemRank 5 2008-11-13 00:01:30 002289203 ItemRank 4 2008-11-13 00:01:30 002289203 ItemRank 10 2008-11-13 00:01:30 002289203 ClickURL http://www.superpages.com 2008-11-13 00:01:30 002289203 ClickURL http://www.superpages.com 2008-11-13 00:01:30 002289203 ClickURL http://www.era.com 2008-11-13 00:01:31 001958633 Query beads amethyst gemstone 2008-11-13 00:01:31 001958633 ItemRank 1 2008-11-13 00:01:31 001958633 ClickURL http://www.gemsbiz.com 2008-11-13 00:01:31 003496052 Query chat 2008-11-13 00:01:33 000892003 Query photo example quarter doubled die coin 2008-11-13 00:01:33 000892003 Query photo example quarter doubled die coin 2008-11-13 00:01:33 000892003 ItemRank 5 2008-11-13 00:01:33 000892003 ItemRank 5 2008-11-13 00:01:33 000892003 ClickURL http://www.coinresource.com 2008-11-13 00:01:33 000892003 ClickURL http://www.coinresource.com

Elapsed time: 0.00 s Avg value size: 18.11 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 287150.49 bytes/s Total cells: 19 Throughput: 5969.21 cells/s ```

See the HQL Documentation: LOAD DATA INFILE for complete syntax.


Let's start by examining the QueryLogByUserID table. To select all of the data for user ID 003269359 we need to use the starts with operator =^. Remember that the row key is the concatenation of the user ID and the timestamp which is why we need to use the starts with operator. ``` hypertable> select * from QueryLogByUserID where row =^ '003269359'; 003269359 2008-11-13 04:36:34 Query binibining pilipinas 2008 winners 003269359 2008-11-13 04:36:34 ItemRank 5 003269359 2008-11-13 04:36:34 ClickURL http://www.missosology.org 003269359 2008-11-13 04:37:34 Query pawee's kiss and tell 003269359 2008-11-13 04:37:34 Query pawee's kiss and tell 003269359 2008-11-13 04:37:34 ItemRank 3 003269359 2008-11-13 04:37:34 ItemRank 3 003269359 2008-11-13 04:37:34 ClickURL http://www.missosology.org 003269359 2008-11-13 04:37:34 ClickURL http://www.missosology.org 003269359 2008-11-13 05:07:10 Query rn jobs in 91405 ... 003269359 2008-11-13 09:42:49 Query wound ostomy rn training 003269359 2008-11-13 09:42:49 ItemRank 11 003269359 2008-11-13 09:42:49 ClickURL http://www.wocn.org 003269359 2008-11-13 09:46:50 Query pych nurse in encino tarzana hospital 003269359 2008-11-13 09:47:18 Query encino tarzana hospital 003269359 2008-11-13 09:47:18 ItemRank 2 003269359 2008-11-13 09:47:18 ClickURL http://www.encino-tarzana.com 003269359 2008-11-13 09:52:42 Query encino tarzana hospital 003269359 2008-11-13 09:53:08 Query alhambra hospital 003269359 2008-11-13 09:53:08 ItemRank 1 003269359 2008-11-13 09:53:08 ClickURL http://www.alhambrahospital.com

Elapsed time: 0.01 s Avg value size: 19.24 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 2001847.79 bytes/s Total cells: 352 Throughput: 40651.35 cells/s ```

The result set was fairly large (352 cells), so let's now try selecting just the queries that were issued by the user with ID 003269359 during the hour of 5am. To do this we need to add a TIMESTAMP predicate. Each cell has an internal timestamp and the TIMESTAMP predicate can be used to filter the results based on this timestamp.

``` hypertable> select * from QueryLogByUserID where row =^ '003269359' AND "2008-11-13 05:00:00" <= TIMESTAMP < "2008-11-13 06:00:00"; 003269359 2008-11-13 05:07:10 Query rn jobs in 91405 003269359 2008-11-13 05:07:10 Query rn jobs in 91405 003269359 2008-11-13 05:07:10 ItemRank 9 003269359 2008-11-13 05:07:10 ItemRank 8 003269359 2008-11-13 05:07:10 ClickURL http://91405.jobs.com 003269359 2008-11-13 05:07:10 ClickURL http://www.hospitalsoup.com 003269359 2008-11-13 05:20:22 Query rn jobs in 91405 003269359 2008-11-13 05:20:22 ItemRank 16 003269359 2008-11-13 05:20:22 ClickURL http://www.careerbuilder.com 003269359 2008-11-13 05:34:02 Query usc university hospital 003269359 2008-11-13 05:34:02 ItemRank 1 003269359 2008-11-13 05:34:02 ClickURL http://www.uscuh.com 003269359 2008-11-13 05:37:01 Query rn jobs in san fernando valley 003269359 2008-11-13 05:37:01 Query rn jobs in san fernando valley 003269359 2008-11-13 05:37:01 Query rn jobs in san fernando valley 003269359 2008-11-13 05:37:01 ItemRank 7 003269359 2008-11-13 05:37:01 ItemRank 4 003269359 2008-11-13 05:37:01 ItemRank 3 003269359 2008-11-13 05:37:01 ClickURL http://www.medhunters.com 003269359 2008-11-13 05:37:01 ClickURL http://san.fernando.valley.registered.nurse.to.72k.san.fernando.ca.job.hireability.com 003269359 2008-11-13 05:37:01 ClickURL http://www.resumes2work.com 003269359 2008-11-13 05:46:22 Query northridge hospital 003269359 2008-11-13 05:46:22 Query northridge hospital 003269359 2008-11-13 05:46:22 ItemRank 2 003269359 2008-11-13 05:46:22 ItemRank 1 003269359 2008-11-13 05:46:22 ClickURL http://northridgehospital.org 003269359 2008-11-13 05:46:22 ClickURL http://www.chwhealth.com 003269359 2008-11-13 05:53:34 Query valley presbyterian hospital 003269359 2008-11-13 05:53:34 ItemRank 4 003269359 2008-11-13 05:53:34 ClickURL http://www.hospital-data.com 003269359 2008-11-13 05:55:36 Query valley presbyterian hospital website 003269359 2008-11-13 05:55:36 ItemRank 1 003269359 2008-11-13 05:55:36 ClickURL http://www.valleypres.org 003269359 2008-11-13 05:59:24 Query mission community hospital 003269359 2008-11-13 05:59:24 ItemRank 1 003269359 2008-11-13 05:59:24 ClickURL http://www.mchonline.org

Elapsed time: 0.00 s Avg value size: 18.50 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 2602086.44 bytes/s Total cells: 36 Throughput: 53651.27 cells/s ```

Keep in mind that the internal cell timestamp is different than the one embedded in the row key. In this example, they both represent the same time. By specifying the TIMESTAMP_COLUMN option to LOAD DATA INFILE, we extracted the QueryTime field to be used as the internal cell timestamp. If we hadn't supplied that option, the system would have auto-assigned a timestamp. To display the internal cell timestamp, add the DISPLAY_TIMESTAMPS option:

``` hypertable> select * from QueryLogByUserID limit 5 DISPLAY_TIMESTAMPS; 2008-11-13 10:30:46.000000000 000000036 2008-11-13 10:30:46 Query helena ga 2008-11-13 10:31:34.000000000 000000036 2008-11-13 10:31:34 Query helena ga 2008-11-13 10:45:23.000000000 000000036 2008-11-13 10:45:23 Query checeron s 2008-11-13 10:46:07.000000000 000000036 2008-11-13 10:46:07 Query cheveron gas station 2008-11-13 10:46:34.000000000 000000036 2008-11-13 10:46:34 Query cheveron gas station richmond virginia

Elapsed time: 0.00 s Avg value size: 17.20 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 207563.76 bytes/s Total cells: 5 Throughput: 4397.54 cells/s ```

There is no index for the internal cell timestamps, so if we don't include a row =^ expression in our predicate, the system will do a full table scan. This is why we imported the data into a second table QueryLogByTimestamp. This table includes the timestamp as the row key prefix which allows us to efficiently query data over a time interval.

The following query selects all query log data for November 14th, 2008:

``` hypertable> select * from QueryLogByTimestamp WHERE ROW =^ '2008-11-14'; 2008-11-14 00:00:00 001040178 Query noodle tools 2008-11-14 00:00:00 001040178 ItemRank 1 2008-11-14 00:00:00 001040178 ClickURL http://www.noodletools.com 2008-11-14 00:00:01 000264655 Query games.myspace.com 2008-11-14 00:00:01 000264655 ItemRank 1 2008-11-14 00:00:01 000264655 ClickURL http://games.myspace.com 2008-11-14 00:00:01 000527424 Query franklinville schools new jersey 2008-11-14 00:00:01 000527424 ItemRank 1 2008-11-14 00:00:01 000527424 ClickURL http://www.greatschools.net 2008-11-14 00:00:01 000632400 Query lack of eye contact symptom of... ... 2008-11-14 06:02:33 003676354 Query baby 20showers 2008-11-14 06:02:35 003378030 Query task and responsibility matrix 2008-11-14 06:02:35 003378030 ItemRank 2 2008-11-14 06:02:35 003378030 ClickURL http://im.ncsu.edu 2008-11-14 06:02:36 004578101 Query jcpenneys 2008-11-14 06:02:37 005120734 Query ebay 2008-11-14 06:02:40 000957500 Query buccal fat size of ping pong ball

Elapsed time: 2.37 s Avg value size: 15.36 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 1709616.45 bytes/s Total cells: 89412 Throughput: 37689.18 cells/s And to select all query log data for November 14th, 2008 during the hour of 3am: hypertable> select * from QueryLogByTimestamp WHERE ROW =^ '2008-11-14 03'; 2008-11-14 03:00:00 002512415 Query ny times 2008-11-14 03:00:00 002512415 ItemRank 1 2008-11-14 03:00:00 002512415 ClickURL http://www.nytimes.com 2008-11-14 03:00:00 005294906 Query kickmeto.fosi 2008-11-14 03:00:00 005459226 Query www.dickdyertoyota.com 2008-11-14 03:00:02 000637292 Query days of our lives 2008-11-14 03:00:02 000637292 ItemRank 3 2008-11-14 03:00:02 000637292 ClickURL http://www.nbc.com 2008-11-14 03:00:03 002675105 Query ghetto superstar lyrics ... 2008-11-14 03:59:52 002874080 ClickURL http://www.paintball-discounters.com 2008-11-14 03:59:53 004292772 Query drop down menu 2008-11-14 03:59:55 005656539 Query to buy indian hair to make wigs in new york 2008-11-14 03:59:55 005656539 ItemRank 1 2008-11-14 03:59:55 005656539 ClickURL http://query.nytimes.com 2008-11-14 03:59:58 004318586 Query myspace .com

Elapsed time: 0.17 s Avg value size: 15.37 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 2267099.06 bytes/s Total cells: 8305 Throughput: 49967.51 cells/s And finally, to select all query log data for November 14th, 2008 during the minute of 3:45am: hypertable> select * from QueryLogByTimestamp WHERE ROW =^ '2008-11-14 03:45'; 2008-11-14 03:45:00 003895650 Query ks lottery. 2008-11-14 03:45:00 003895650 ItemRank 2 2008-11-14 03:45:00 003895650 ClickURL http://www.lotterypost.com 2008-11-14 03:45:00 005036796 Query www.glasgowdailytimes 10-20-2005 2008-11-14 03:45:01 002863052 Query map quest 2008-11-14 03:45:01 005514285 Query john bermeo 2008-11-14 03:45:02 002394176 Query www.eggseye.com 2008-11-14 03:45:02 003454227 Query hawaiian weddig band 2008-11-14 03:45:03 001006089 Query brokers hiring loan officers in indiana 2008-11-14 03:45:06 000844720 Query latest design microsoft freeware ... 2008-11-14 03:45:55 003920469 ItemRank 3 2008-11-14 03:45:55 003920469 ClickURL http://www.pennyblood.com 2008-11-14 03:45:56 002729906 Query tryaold 2008-11-14 03:45:56 003919348 Query feathered draped fox fur mandalas 2008-11-14 03:45:56 003919348 ItemRank 8 2008-11-14 03:45:56 003919348 ClickURL http://www.greatdreams.com 2008-11-14 03:45:56 004803968 Query -

Elapsed time: 0.02 s Avg value size: 15.71 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 305030.80 bytes/s Total cells: 130 Throughput: 6673.51 cells/s ```

See the HQL Documentation: SELECT for complete syntax.


The ALTER TABLE command can be used to add remove columns from a table. The following command will add a 'Notes' column in a new access group called 'extra' and will drop column 'ItemRank'. ``` hypertable> ALTER TABLE QueryLogByUserID ADD(Notes, ACCESS GROUP extra(Notes)) DROP(ItemRank);

Elapsed time: 3.25 s To verify the change, issue the SHOW CREATE TABLE command: hypertable> show create table QueryLogByUserID;

CREATE TABLE QueryLogByUserID ( Query, ClickURL, Notes, ACCESS GROUP default (Query, ClickURL), ACCESS GROUP extra (Notes) ) And to verify that the column no longer exists, issue the same SELECT statement we issued above (NOTE: the data for the column still exists in the filesystem, it will get lazily garbage collected). hypertable> select * from QueryLogByUserID limit 8; 000000036 2008-11-13 10:30:46 Query helena ga 000000036 2008-11-13 10:31:34 Query helena ga 000000036 2008-11-13 10:45:23 Query checeron s 000000036 2008-11-13 10:46:07 Query cheveron gas station 000000036 2008-11-13 10:46:34 Query cheveron gas station richmond virginia 000000036 2008-11-13 10:48:56 Query cheveron glenside road richmond virginia 000000036 2008-11-13 10:49:05 Query chevron glenside road richmond virginia 000000036 2008-11-13 10:49:05 ClickURL http://yp.yahoo.com 000000053 2008-11-13 15:18:21 Query mapquest 000000053 2008-11-13 15:18:21 ClickURL http://www.mapquest.com

Elapsed time: 0.00 s Avg value size: 21.50 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 140595.14 bytes/s Total cells: 10 Throughput: 2730.00 cells/s ```

See HQL Documentation: ALTER TABLE for complete syntax.


Now let's augment the QueryLogByUserID table by adding some information in the Notes column for a few of the queries: ``` hypertable> INSERT INTO QueryLogByUserID VALUES ("000019058 2008-11-13 07:24:43", "Notes", "animals"), ("000019058 2008-11-13 07:57:16", "Notes", "food"), ("000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36", "Notes", "gardening");

Elapsed time: 0.01 s Avg value size: 6.67 bytes Total cells: 3 Throughput: 298.36 cells/s Resends: 0 Notice the new data by querying the affected row: hypertable> select * from QueryLogByUserID where row =^ '000019058'; 000019058 2008-11-13 07:24:43 Query tigers 000019058 2008-11-13 07:24:43 Notes animals 000019058 2008-11-13 07:57:16 Query bell peppers 000019058 2008-11-13 07:57:16 Notes food 000019058 2008-11-13 07:58:24 Query bell peppers 000019058 2008-11-13 07:58:24 ClickURL http://agalternatives.aers.psu.edu 000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36 Query growing bell peppers 000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36 Query growing bell peppers 000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36 ClickURL http://www.farm-garden.com 000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36 ClickURL http://www.organicgardentips.com 000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36 Notes gardening 000019058 2008-11-13 12:31:02 Query tracfone 000019058 2008-11-13 12:31:02 ClickURL http://www.tracfone.com

Elapsed time: 0.00 s Avg value size: 16.38 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 162271.26 bytes/s Total cells: 13 Throughput: 3498.39 cells/s Now try deleting one of the notes we just added hypertable> delete Notes from QueryLogByUserID where ROW ="000019058 2008-11-13 07:24:43";

Elapsed time: 0.00 s Total cells: 1 Throughput: 256.41 cells/s Resends: 0 And verify that the cell was, indeed, deleted: hypertable> select * from QueryLogByUserID where row =^ '000019058'; 000019058 2008-11-13 07:24:43 Query tigers 000019058 2008-11-13 07:57:16 Query bell peppers 000019058 2008-11-13 07:57:16 Notes food 000019058 2008-11-13 07:58:24 Query bell peppers 000019058 2008-11-13 07:58:24 ClickURL http://agalternatives.aers.psu.edu 000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36 Query growing bell peppers 000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36 Query growing bell peppers 000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36 ClickURL http://www.farm-garden.com 000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36 ClickURL http://www.organicgardentips.com 000019058 2008-11-13 07:59:36 Notes gardening 000019058 2008-11-13 12:31:02 Query tracfone 000019058 2008-11-13 12:31:02 ClickURL http://www.tracfone.com

Elapsed time: 0.00 s Avg value size: 16.38 bytes Avg key size: 30.00 bytes Throughput: 162271.26 bytes/s Total cells: 12 Throughput: 3498.39 cells/s ```

See the HQL Documentation: INSERT and the HQL Documentation: DELETE for complete syntax.


The DROP TABLE command is used to remove tables from the system. The IF EXISTS option prevents the system from throwing an error if the table does not exist: ``` hypertable> drop table IF EXISTS foo;

Elapsed time: 0.34 s Let's remove one of the example tables: hypertable> drop table QueryLogByUserID;

Elapsed time: 2.46 s And show tables to see that the table was removed: hypertable> show tables; METADATA QueryLogByTimestamp

Elapsed time: 1.88 s ```


Now, we want to get rid of the "Tutorial" namespace and verify that we have:

``` hypertable> use "/";

Elapsed time: 0.00 s hypertable> get listing; Tutorial (namespace) sys (namespace)

Elapsed time: 0.41 s hypertable> drop namespace Tutorial;

Elapsed time: 2.04 s hypertable> drop namespace Tutorial;

Elapsed time: 2.04 s hypertable> get listing; sys (namespace)

Elapsed time: 0.52 s ```

The "sys" namespace is used by the Hypertable system and should not be used to contain user tables.

Note that a namespace must be empty (ie must not contain any sub-namespaces or tables) before you can drop it. In this case since we had already dropped the "Pages" table, we could go ahead and drop the "Tutorial" namespace.

Regular Expression Filtering

Hypertable supports filtering of data using regular expression matching on the rowkey, column qualifiers and value. Hypertable uses RE2 for regular expression matching, the complete supported syntax can be found here.


In this example we'll use a DMOZ dataset which contains title, description and a bunch of topic tags for a set of URLs. The domain components of the URL have been reversed so that URLs from the same domain sort together. In the schema, the rowkey is a URL and the title, description and topic are column families. Heres a small sample from the dataset: com.awn.www Title Animation World Network com.awn.www Description Provides information resources to the international animation community. Features include searchable database archives, monthly magazine, web animation guide, the Animation Village, discussion forums and other useful resources. com.awn.www Topic:Arts
com.awn.www Topic:Animation

Download the dataset, which is in the .tsv.gz format which can be directly loaded into Hypertable without unzipping: wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/hypertable-data/dmoz.tsv.gz

Create the dmoz table via the hypertable shell: USE "/"; CREATE TABLE dmoz(Description, Title, Topic, ACCESS GROUP topic(Topic)); LOAD DATA INFILE "dmoz.tsv.gz" INTO TABLE dmoz;

In the following queries we limit the number of rows returned to 2 for brevity. Suppose you want a subset of the URLs from the domain inria.fr where the first component of the domain doesn't start with a, you could run: ``` SELECT Title FROM dmoz WHERE ROW REGEXP "fr.inria.[^a]" LIMIT 2 REVS=1 KEYS_ONLY;

fr.inria.caml fr.inria.caml/pub/docs/oreilly-book ```

To look at all topics which start with write (case insensitive): ``` SELECT Topic:/(?i)^write/ FROM dmoz LIMIT 2; Topic:Writers_Resources ac.sms.www/clubpage.asp?club=CL001003004000301311 Topic:Writers_Resources ```

The next example shows how to query for data where the description contains the word game followed by either foosball or halo: ``` SELECT CELLS Description FROM dmoz WHERE VALUE REGEXP "(?i:game.*(foosball|halo)\s)" LIMIT 2 REVS=1;

com.armchairempire.www/Previews/PCGames/planetside.htm Description Preview by Mr. Nash. "So, on the one side the game is sounding pretty snazzy, on the other it sounds sort of like Halo at its core." com.digitaldestroyers.www Description Video game fans in Spartanburg, South Carolina who like to get together and compete for bragging rights. Also compete with other Halo / Xbox fan clubs. ```

Atomic Counters

Column families can optionally act as atomic counters by supplying the COUNTER option in the column specification of the CREATE TABLE command. Counter columns are accessed using the same methods as other columns. However, to modify the counter, the value must be formatted specially, as described in the following table.

| Value Format | Description | |:-----------------|:----------------| | ['+'] n | Increment the counter by n | | '-' n | Decrement the counter by n | | '=' n | Reset the counter to n |


In this example we create a table of counters called counts that contains a single column family url that acts as an atomic counter for urls. By convention, the row key is the URL with the domain name reversed (so that URLs from the same domain sort next to each other) and the column qualifier is the hour in which the "hit" occurred. The table is created with the following HQL:

use "/"; create table counts ( url COUNTER, );

Let's say we've accumulated url "hit" occurrences in the following .tsv file:


row column value

org.hypertable.www/ url:2010-10-26_09 +1 org.hypertable.www/ url:2010-10-26_09 +1 org.hypertable.www/download.html url:2010-10-26_09 +1 org.hypertable.www/documentation.html url:2010-10-26_09 +1 org.hypertable.www/download.html url:2010-10-26_09 +1 org.hypertable.www/about.html url:2010-10-26_09 +1 org.hypertable.www/ url:2010-10-26_09 +1 org.hypertable.www/ url:2010-10-26_10 +1 org.hypertable.www/about.html url:2010-10-26_10 +1 org.hypertable.www/ url:2010-10-26_10 +1 org.hypertable.www/download.html url:2010-10-26_10 +1 org.hypertable.www/download.html url:2010-10-26_10 +1 org.hypertable.www/documentation.html url:2010-10-26_10 +1 org.hypertable.www/ url:2010-10-26_10 +1 ```

If we were to load this file with LOAD DATA INFILE into the counts table, a subsequent select would yield the following output:

hypertable> select * from counts; org.hypertable.www/ url:2010-10-26_09 3 org.hypertable.www/ url:2010-10-26_10 3 org.hypertable.www/about.html url:2010-10-26_09 1 org.hypertable.www/about.html url:2010-10-26_10 1 org.hypertable.www/documentation.html url:2010-10-26_09 1 org.hypertable.www/documentation.html url:2010-10-26_10 1 org.hypertable.www/download.html url:2010-10-26_09 2 org.hypertable.www/download.html url:2010-10-26_10 2

Group Commit ( better concurrent update performance )

Updates are carried out by the RangeServers through the following steps:

  1. Write the update to the commit log (in the DFS)
  2. Sync the commit log (in the DFS)
  3. Populate in-memory data structure with the update

Under high concurrency, step #2 can become a bottleneck. Distributed filesystems such as HDFS can typically handle a small number of sync operations per second. The Group Commit feature solves this problem by delaying updates, grouping them together, and carrying them out in a batch on some regular interval.

A table can be configured to use group commit by supplying the GROUP_COMMIT_INTERVAL option in the CREATE TABLE statement. The GROUP_COMMIT_INTERVAL option tells the system that updates to this table should be carried out with group commit and also specifies the commit interval in milliseconds. The interval is constrained by the value of the config property Hypertable.RangeServer.CommitInterval, which acts as a lower bound (default is 50ms). The value specified for GROUP_COMMIT_INTERVAL will get rounded up to the nearest multiple of this property value. The following is an example CREATE TABLE statement that creates a table counts set up for group commit operation.


CREATE TABLE counts ( url, domain ) GROUP_COMMIT_INTERVAL=100;

Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial

In this section, we'll walk you through two Hadoop MapReduce examples, one using Java MapReduce and the other using Hadoop streaming. Both examples do the same thing and illustrate how to run MapReduce jobs that read from and write to a table in Hypertable.


This program assumes there exists a table called wikipedia that has been loaded with a Wikipedia dump. It reads the article column, tokenizes it, and populates the word column of the same table. Each unique word in the article turns into a qualified column and the value is the number of times the word appears in the article.

The first step is to get Hadoop up and running. After that, Hypertable needs to be launched on top of Hadoop, which can be done through Capistrano as described in #Up_and_Running_with_HDFS, or if just running a local instance of Hadoop, can be launched with:

/opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht start-all-servers hadoop

Download and uncompress the Wikipedia dump. This dump has been converted into .tsv format, digestible by LOAD DATA INFILE.

wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/hypertable-data/wikipedia.tsv.gz

Create the wikipedia table by executing the following commands in the hypertable shell:

USE "/"; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wikipedia; CREATE TABLE wikipedia ( title, id, username, article, word );

Java MapReduce Example

In this example, we'll be running the WikipediaWordCount.java program which can be found in the examples/java/org/hypertable/examples/hadoop/mapreduce directory of the source archive. It is also compiled into the hadoop-*-examples.jar file, contained in the binary packages. The following is a link to the code:


Use the following command to load the Wikipedia dump into the wikipedia table:

USE "/"; load data infile 'wikipedia.tsv.gz' into table wikipedia;

To get an idea of what the data looks like, try the following select:

hypertable> select * from wikipedia where row =^ "Addington"; Addington, Buckinghamshire title Addington, Buckinghamshire Addington, Buckinghamshire id 377201 Addington, Buckinghamshire username Roleplayer Addington, Buckinghamshire article {{infobox UK place \n|country = England\n|latitude=51.95095\n|longitude=-0.92177\n|official_name= Addington\n| population = 145 ...

Now run the WikipediaWordCount MapReduce program:

/opt/hadoop/current/bin/hadoop jar \ /opt/hypertable/current/lib/java/hypertable- \
org.hypertable.examples.WikipediaWordCount \ -Dmapred.local.dir="/mnt/hadoop/mapred/local" \ --columns=article

To verify that it worked, try selecting for the the word_column:

hypertable> select word from wikipedia where row =^ "Addington"; [...] Addington, Buckinghamshire word:A 1 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:Abbey 1 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:Abbotts 1 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:According 1 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:Addington 6 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:Adstock 1 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:Aston 1 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:Aylesbury 3 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:BUCKINGHAM 1 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:Bayeux 2 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:Bene 1 Addington, Buckinghamshire word:Bishop 1 [...]

Hadoop Streaming Example

In this example, we'll be running a Hadoop streaming MapReduce job that uses a Bash script as the mapper and a Bash script as the reducer. The mapper script (tokenize-article.sh) and the reducer script (reduce-word-counts.sh) are show below.

Mapper script (tokenize-article.sh)


!/usr/bin/env bash

IFS=" " read name column article

while [ $? == 0 ] ; do

if [ "$column" == "article" ] ; then

# Strip punctuation
stripped_article=`echo $article | awk 'BEGIN { FS="\t" } { print $NF }' | tr "\!\"#\$&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\\\]^_\{|}~" " " | tr -s " "` ;

# Split article into words
echo $stripped_article | awk -v name="$name" 'BEGIN { article=name; FS=" "; } { for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s\tword:%s\t1\n", article, $i; }' ;


# Read another line read name column article

done exit 0 ```

Reducer script (reduce-word-counts.sh)


!/usr/bin/env bash

last_article= last_word= let total=0

IFS=" " read article word count

while [ $? == 0 ] ; do if [ "$article" == "$last_article" ] && [ "$word" == "$last_word" ] ; then let total=$count+total else if [ "$last_word" != "" ]; then echo "$last_article $last_word $total" fi let total=$count last_word=$word last_article=$article fi read article word count done

if [ $total -gt 0 ] ; then echo "$last_article $last_word $total" fi exit 0 ```

Use the following HQL command to load the Wikipedia sample dump into the wikipedia table. Notice the NO_ESCAPE option. This option is necessary for Hadoop Streaming, since each key/value pair must occupy a single line. The NO_ESCAPE option prevents the loader from un-escaping characters in the tsv input.

USE "/"; load data infile NO_ESCAPE 'wikipedia-sample.tsv' into table wikipedia;

And then run the Hadoop streaming job as follows:

/opt/hadoop/current/bin/hadoop jar /opt/hadoop/current/contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-0.20.2+320.jar \ -libjars /opt/hypertable/current/lib/java/hypertable-,/opt/hypertable/current/lib/java/libthrift-0.4.0.jar \ -Dhypertable.mapreduce.input.table=wikipedia \ -Dhypertable.mapreduce.output.table=wikipedia \ -mapper "/home/doug/tokenize-article.sh" \ -reducer "/home/doug/reduce-word-counts.sh" \ -file "/home/doug/tokenize-article.sh" \ -file "/home/doug/reduce-word-counts.sh" \ -inputformat org.hypertable.hadoop.mapred.TextTableInputFormat \ -outputformat org.hypertable.hadoop.mapred.TextTableOutputFormat \ -input wikipedia -output wikipedia

Appendix A. Monitoring UI

Hypertable provides a Monitoring UI server which can be used to monitor the state and load on the RangeServers. The Monitoring UI is written in Ruby and uses the Ruby RRDTool bindings. The Monitoring server is meant to be run on the Hypertable Master server. Make sure you have already installed the following pre-requisites: 1. Install reqd Ruby gems: gem install sinatra rack thin json titleize

The monitoring app requires the rack gem to be installed. There is a known bug when using rack 1.2.1 with ruby 1.8.5. You can use ("ruby -v" and "gem list --local rack" to check if you are using this combination). To get around it, you can either upgrade ruby to 1.8.7 or downgrade rack to 1.1.0. Heres an example which shows how to upgrade to ruby 1.8.7 on Centos5. 1. Install RRDTool. On Linux systems you should be able to run something like "yum install rrdtool" or "apt-get rrdtool". If using a Mac and MacPorts you can do "port install rrdtool". If you're unable to install via your package manager then download the source and build.

To start/stop the Monitoring server: /opt/hypertable/ /opt/hypertable/ When the monitoring server is running you can access it via your browser at http://master:38090.

Appendix B. Config File Properties

The Hypertable configuration file supports many properties that control the operation of the servers. To get a description of the currently supported properties and their default values, issue the following command:

$ /opt/hypertable/current/bin/ht shell --help-config

Appendix C. Building from Source

Download the source

You can either download a release source tar ball from the download page and unpack it in your source directory say ~/src: cd ~/src tar zxvf hypertable- or from our git repository: cd ~/src git clone git://scm.hypertable.org/pub/repos/hypertable.git

For the rest of the section, we assume that your hypertable source tree is ~/src/hypertable

Install the development environment

Run the following script to setup up the dev environment with all of the dependent libraries:

~/src/hypertable/bin/src-utils/htbuild --install dev_env

If the above command does not work for your platform, you can setup the dev environment manually by following the steps shown for your platform in How to Build.

Configure the build

Assuming you want your build tree to be ~/build/hypertable/debug mkdir -p ~/build/hypertable/debug cd ~/build/hypertable/debug cmake ~/src/hypertable By default, hypertable gets installed in /opt/hypertable. To install into your own install directory, say $prefix, you can use: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefix ~/src/hypertable By default the build is configured for debug. To make a release build for production/performance test/benchmark: mkdir -p ~/build/hypertable/release cd ~/build/hypertable/release cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ~/src/hypertable To build shared libraries, e.g., for scripting language extensions: cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON ~/src/hypertable Since PHP has no builtin package system, its thrift installation needs to be manually specified for ThriftBroker support: cmake -DPHPTHRIFT_ROOT:STRING=/home/user/src/thrift/lib/php/src

Build Hypertable binaries

make make install

Appendix D. How To Package

This section describes how to build binary packages for Hypertable. Before building packages, the following steps must be performed.

  • Install all of the Hypertable dependencies (see #Appendix_A._Building_from_Source).
  • Build the software

The rest of this section assumes that the source code is located in ~/src/hypertable and Thrift was built in /usr/src/thrift-0.2.0

Redhat-based systems

cd <build-dir> ~/src/hypertable/bin/src-utils/htpkg --srcdir ~/src/hypertable --phpdir /usr/src/thrift-0.2.0/lib/php/src RPM

Debian-based systems

cd <build-dir> ~/src/hypertable/bin/src-utils/htpkg --srcdir ~/src/hypertable --phpdir /usr/src/thrift-0.2.0/lib/php/src DEB


Before packaging, you must first install Xcode

cd <build-dir> ~/src/hypertable/bin/src-utils/htpkg --srcdir ~/src/hypertable --phpdir /usr/src/thrift-0.2.0/lib/php/src PackageMaker

tar bzip2 archive

cd <build-dir> ~/src/hypertable/bin/src-utils/htpkg --srcdir ~/src/hypertable --phpdir /usr/src/thrift-0.2.0/lib/php/src TBZ2