
The HotPy virtual machine is a high-performance virtual machine for Python


HotPy has been superseded by HotPy(2). The optimisation techniques developed in HotPy will now be ported to HotPy(2) a branch of the standard CPython VM. HotPy(2) will be binary compatible with CPython as well as providing considerably improved performance.


The HotPy virtual machine is a high-performance virtual machine for Python.

The notable features of HotPy are:

  • It is built using the GVMT
  • The base VM is designed to be optimisable, and is simpler in internal design than the standard CPython VM.
  • It offers significantly improved performance by:
    • Tracing execution to find linear traces suitable for optimisation.
    • Optimising the linear traces, using type information gathered at runtime.
    • Compiling the traces into native machine code.

How it works.

Project Information

virtual-machine Python JIT tracing optimising