JSUpload is the exported version of the GWTUpload library.
The library has been developed using java and exported to javascript using gwt-compiler and gwt-exporter library.
- The library can be used directly, without the need of knowing anything about gwt and java.
- The generated javascript code is minimized, optimized, obfuscated, and doesn't depend on any other library.
- The library works fine in all browsers supported by gwt.
- The library provides a simple cgi-bin written in perl that can be used in most web servers.
Setup instructions
- Download last version of the library: jsupload-x.x.x.zip and uncompress it in a folder.
- In the server side you have to install one of the provided server programs to receive the files:
- CGI: put the jsupload.cgi.pl (included in jsupload-x.x.x.zip) into the cgi-bin folder of your web server, and set the action parameter in your javascript code pointing to it.
uploader = new jsu.Upload({ action: "/cgi-bin/jsupload.cgi.pl" [...] });
- PHP: Install PHP-APC and put the lines below in your php.ini file. Then install the provided script in any php folder enable in your web server. You have to add
[APC] apc.enabled=1 apc.shm_segments=1 apc.shm_size=64 apc.max_file_size=10M apc.stat=1 apc.rfc1867="1" apc.rfc1867_freq="0"
uploader = new jsu.Upload({ action: "[...]/jsupload.php" [...] }); var e = document.createElement("INPUT") e.type = "hidden"; e.name = "APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS"; e.value = u.data().name; uploader.addElement(e, 0);
- Java: You can use the servlet provided with gwtupload.jar and setup it in WEB-INF/web.xml file.
- Rails: You can use the cgi script provided. If you wanted to collaborate in a port for rails, please let me know.
- Others: Install the provided cgi script which leaves the files and information in a temporary folder. Them, use an ajax request to inform your application that the upload process has finished.
uploader = new jsu.Upload({ onFinish: function(data) { [call to your application, read the cookie set by the cgi uploader to know where are the uploaded files] } });
- CGI: put the jsupload.cgi.pl (included in jsupload-x.x.x.zip) into the cgi-bin folder of your web server, and set the action parameter in your javascript code pointing to it.
- Include javascript library in your html file. You can use relative paths or full qualified ones because the library has been compiled using cross-site linker. The library takes care loading dynamically the needed images and css.
<script language="javascript" src="[...]/jsupload.JsUpload.nocache.js"></script>
- In your html code, define the jsuOnLoad() function wich will be called once the library is loaded.
<script language='javascript'> function jsuOnLoad() { [...] } </script>
Library API
_Exportable version of gwt Uploader.
* Constructor_
- Three kind of progress bar, the most advanced one shows upload speed, time remaining, sizes, progress
- Single upload form: while the file is being sent the modal dialog avoid the user to interact with the application,
Then the form can be used again for uploading more files.- Multiple upload form: Each time the user selects a file it goes to the queue and the user can select more files.
- It can call configurable functions on the events of on Change, on Start and on Finish
- The user can cancel the current upload, can delete files in the queue or remove uploaded files
var upload = new jsc.Upload ({
multiple: false, // specify whether the uploader has a multiple behavior
chooser: "browser", // Choose file button type, options are: "browser", "button", "label", "anchor".
type: "chismes", // Type of progress bar, valid options are "basic", "chismes" or "incubator"
maxFiles: 0, // Only used if multiple=true. The maximum number of files which the user can send to the server. 0 means unlimited. Only successful uploads are counted.
empty: false, // specify whether single uploader can submit the form is the file input is empty
auto: , // set autosubmit flag, by default is true for multiuploader and false for singleuploader.
multiSelection: false, // specify whether the user can select multiple files in the browser dialog (only in browsers supporting the multiple attribute).
onStart: null, // Javascript method called when the upload process starts
onChange: null, // Javascript method called when the user selects a file
onFinish: null, // Javascript method called when the upload process finishes
onCancel: null, // Javascript method called when the upload file is canceled, removed from the queue or from the server
onStatus: null, // Javascript method called when the upload file's status changes
containerId: null, // Id of the element where the widget will be inserted
action: "servlet.gupld", // Servlet path, it has to be in the same domain, because cross-domain is not supported
validExtensions: null, // List of valid extensions, the extensions has to be separated by comma or spaces
regional: { // hash with the set of key/values to internationalize the widget
uploaderActiveUpload: "There is already an active upload, try later.",
uploaderAlreadyDone: "This file was already uploaded.",
uploaderInvalidExtension: "Invalid file.\nOnly these types are allowed:\n",
uploaderTimeout: "Timeout sending the file:\n perhups your browser does not send files correctly,\n your session has expired,\n or there was a server error.\nPlease try again.",
uploaderServerError: "Invalid server response. Have you configured correctly your application in the server side?",
uploaderServerUnavailable: "Unable to contact with the server: ",
uploaderBadServerResponse: "Unable to upload the file:\nServer response has a format which can not be parsed by the application.\n\n Server Response is:\n.",
uploaderBlobstoreBilling: "It seems that you are using blobstore, check that your application is billing enabled to use it.",
uploaderBadParsing: "Check logs in server side, maybe it raised an exception, or maybe it made a CORS request.",
uploaderSend: "Send",
uploadLabelCancel: null,
uploadStatusCanceling: "Canceling",
uploadStatusCanceled: "Canceled",
uploadStatusError: "Error",
uploadStatusInProgress: "Sending...",
uploadStatusQueued: "Queued",
uploadStatusSubmitting: "Submiting form...",
uploadStatusSuccess: "Done",
uploadStatusDeleted: "Deleted",
uploadBrowse: "Select a file ...",
uploadDrop: "Drop files here",
submitError: Unable to auto submit the form, it seems your browser has security issues with this feature.\n Developer Info: If you are using jsupload and you do not need cross-domain, try a version compiled with the standard linker?,
invalidPathError: Error you have typed an invalid file name, please select a valid one.,
progressPercentMsg: "{0}%", // Set the message used to format the progress in percent units.
progressSecondsMsg: "Time remaining: {0} Seconds", // Set the message used to format the time remaining text below the progress bar in seconds.
progressMinutesMsg: "Time remaining: {0} Minutes", // Set the message used to format the time remaining text below the progress bar in minutes
progressHoursMsg: "Time remaining: {0} Hours" // Set the message used to format the time remaining text below the progress bar in hours
* Instance methods
/* adds a javascript DOM element to the upload form at the specified position */ upload.addElement(e, index);
/* adds a javascript DOM element to the upload form. */ upload.addElement(e);
/* Depending on the multiple feature configuration, it returns a javascript array of as many elements as images uploaded or one element.
The element with the uploaded info has this structure: upload.data().url // The url to download the uploaded file from the server upload.data().name // The name of the input form element upload.data().filename // The name of the file selected by the user as is reported by the browser upload.data().basename // The name of the file selected by the user without path upload.data().response // The raw server xml response upload.data().message // The server text in the message tag upload.data().size // The size of the file upload.data().status // The upload status (UNINITIALIZED, QUEUED, INPROGRESS, SUCCESS, ERROR, CANCELING, CANCELED, SUBMITING) */ var a_javascriptobject = upload.data();
/* submit the upload form to the server. */ upload.submit(); ```_
Preload Image
_This class preloads an image in the browser, and in the case of
success executes a user defined function. It stores the original size of the image. _ * Constructor
var preloadimage = new jsc.PreloadImage ({ url: null, // web address for the image containerId: null, // Id of the element where the widget will be inserted onLoad: null // Javascript method called after the browser has loaded the image });
* Instance methods ```
/* Change the size of the image in the document. */ preloadimage.setSize(width, height);
/* Returns the original width of the image. */ var a_int = preloadimage.realWidth();
/* Sets the alt attribute of the image. */ preloadimage.setAlt(alt);
/* Returns the DOM element of the image. */ var a_element = preloadimage.getElement();
/* Returns the original height of the image. */ var a_int = preloadimage.realHeight();
/* Adds a classname to the image. */ preloadimage.addStyleName(style);
/* Returns a properties javascript hash. This hash has the info: - url - realwidth - realheight */ var a_javascriptobject = preloadimage.getData(); ```
Server script (jsupload.cgi.pl)
- The provided server script has been written in perl for the GWTUpload/JSUpload library.
- This script requires perl, CGI and Digest::MD5, which are installed by default in most linux/unix distributions.
You have to put this file in a script/cgi-bin enabled folder of your web server, and you have to set the rigth execution permissions.
- Operation:
- When it receives a POST request, it updates periodically a status file with the progress, and stores all received form elements in a temporary folder for the user session.
- When it receives GET requests, returns a xml response with the progess information.
- When the GET request, has the parameter show=xxxx, it returns the content of the form element whose name is xxxx. If the element is a file it sends a response with the adequate content-type, otherwise it returns a xml response with the element's value.
- Configuration: At the top of the script you have some customizable variables.
- $idname: is the name for the sessionid cookie name, you could redefine it to match the name of the cookie set by your application. By default the name is CGISESSID.
- $tmp_dir: is the prefix used in the path location to store the data received. By default it is set to "/tmp/uploader", normally you have to change it to match the path configured in your application. It is strongly recommended that this directory should be created apart from "/tmp", in a non-httpd accessible path.
- $max_size: is the maximum size in bytes allowed for the entire request size, note that it is not the real file size because the request includes the headers and could have more files or parameters. Normally only one file is transfered, and the request size is very closed to the file size.
- $mkpath: if true jsupload will create the folder to store the received data, otherwise it is the application the responsible of creating it. Note that setting it to false your system is protected to be used as a surreptitious storage area. The files in this folder will be created with the default perl permissions (0666 or the user umask), so in the case you leave the application to create the folder be aware to set the appropriate permissions.
- $slow: if it has a value greater than zero, after each chunk received, jsupload will sleep for this value in seconds (it may be fractional). It is used to see the progress bar in fast networks when you are testing or developing your app.
- Integration:
- The files are stored in the folder $tmp_dir/xxxx where xxxx is the session id (cookie CGISESSID).
- For each form element received, it stores a file /tmp/uploader/xxxx/yyyy.info where yyyy is the name of the element.
- In the case of file elements, it puts the content of the file in the file /tmp/uploader/xxxx/yyyy.bin.
- The application must create, handle, and clean $tmp_dir files.
Server script (jsupload.php)
- Operation:
Server script written in php for the GWTUpload/JSUpload library.
- This script requires PHP with PHP-APC.
- You have to put this file in a php enabled folder of your web server.
- Server Configuration:
In order to enable the PHP APC extension to support file upload progress indication you have to add the following section into php.ini:
[APC] .... extension=apc.so [APC] apc.enabled=1 apc.shm_segments=1 apc.shm_size=64 apc.max_file_size=10M apc.stat=1 apc.rfc1867="1" apc.rfc1867_freq="0"
Previously you must install apc extension in your system, normally installing php-devel php-pear pcre-devel And running pecl install apc But you might read the apc documentation. - Client side:
In the client you have to add a hidden widget to the uploader in the first position.
- Gwt-upload
uploader.add(new Hidden("APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS", uploader.getInputName()), 0);
- Js-upload
var e = document.createElement("INPUT") e.type = "hidden"; e.name = "APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS"; e.value = u.data().name; u.addElement(e, 0);
- Gwt-upload
- Configuration: At the top of the script there is a customizable variable.
- $uploaddir: is the prefix used in the path location to store the data received. By default it is set to "/tmp/php_upload/", normally you have to change it to match the path configured in your application. It is strongly recommended that this directory should be created apart from "/tmp", in a non-httpd accessible path.
- Integration:
- The files are stored in the folder $tmp_dir/xxxx where xxxx is the session id (cookie PHPSESSID).
- For each file received, it stores a file /tmp/uploader/xxxx/yyyy.info, where yyyy is the name of the element, with the original filename and its content-type.
- The content of the file in the file will be in the /tmp/uploader/xxxx/yyyy.bin file.
- The application must create, handle, and clean $tmp_dir files.
- You should check that the user session is valid in order to avoid that your server could be used as a used as a surreptitious storage area.
Sample Code
- Server Configuration:
You can view this in action in the example here ``` // Method called after the JsUpload library has been loaded function jsuOnLoad() { new jsu.Upload({ type: "incubator", containerId: "uploader1", multiple: true, multiSelection: true, auto: true, /* * Uncomment the next line to handle actions when * the upload status changes */ // onStatus: function(data) { alert(data.status); }, onFinish: loadImage });
new jsu.Upload({
containerId: "uploader2",
multiple: true,
multiSelection: false,
auto: true,
chooser: "anchor",
onFinish: loadImage
new jsu.Upload({
type: "basic",
containerId: "uploader3",
multiple: true,
multiSelection: true,
auto: true,
onChange: null,
onStart: null,
onFinish: loadImage,
chooser: "button",
maxFiles: 4,
regional: {
uploadStatusSuccess: "File saved in the server",
uploadStatusError: "Unable to save the file.",
uploadBrowse: "Select a file to save ..."
var u = new jsu.Upload({
type: "basic",
containerId: "uploader4",
onFinish: loadImage,
multiSelection: true,
regional: {
uploaderSend: "Send File."
// This enables php apc progress mechanism
var e = document.createElement("INPUT")
e.type = "hidden";
e.value = u.data().name;
u.addElement(e, 0);
new jsu.Upload({
containerId: "uploader5",
onFinish: loadImage,
chooser: "label",
validExtensions: ".jpg, .gif, .png",
regional: {
uploaderSend: "Upload it.",
uploadBrowse: "Select an image from your computer..."
new jsu.Upload({
containerId: "uploader6",
onFinish: loadImage,
multiple: true,
multiSelection: true,
auto: true,
chooser: "drop",
validExtensions: ".jpg, .gif, .png"
// Method to show a picture using the class PreloadImage
// The image is not shown until it has been sucessfully downloaded
function loadImage(upl_data) {
if (upl_data && upl_data[0] && upl_data[0].url) {
for (i = 0; i < upl_data.length; i++) {
} else if (upl_data && upl_data.url) {
var image = new jsu.PreloadImage({
url: upl_data.url,
containerId: "photos",
onLoad: function(img_data) {
image.setSize(100, -1);
``` Author: Manuel Carrasco MoƱino
Date: Tue Jan 13 18:32:33 CET 2015
This documentation has been generated automatically parsing comments in java files, if you realise any error, please report it