
Skeleton application to demonstrate the timezone for the gwt+gxt based project

This project to show how i applied the timezone for gwt application.

Demo Application:

Java date class emulated to include timezone. Based on the timezone parameter, Date method will return the time. In this demo, Digital clock is rendered using the datetime returned by the java date method with passed timezone parameter.

Demo link

How to Test with eclipse:

    1. Install GWT plugin for eclipse.
    2. checkout the GWT-TimeZone source from trunk.
    3. Download the latest GXT jar and include in your build path
    4. Compile the project
    5. In the eclipse -> run configurations -> arguments -> VM arguements
    add the below timezone parameter
      5. Run the project from eclipse

    6. browse the url without plugin parameter (ie. gwt.codesvr= ).

    for example,

Application nature:

The client will render the date in IST (regardless of browser's system timezone) and server render the date in GMT. you can modify the code to use your own timezone.

If you face any difficulty, let me know in the issue section.

Happy Coding!

Project Information

The project was created on May 6, 2011.
