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The GridCertLib library

This is the source tree of GridCertLib, a Java library providing services to create a SLCS/X.509 certificate and a Grid proxy (optionally VOMS-enabled), given the SAML2 assertion resulting from a Shibboleth2 authentication. The presentation held at the EGI Technical Forum 2011 is probably the best exposition of the "what" and "why" of GridCertLib.

The library comes with some example servlets (cf. package ch.swing.gridcertlib.servlet) that provide sample code to use the GridCertLib features in a Java web services environment.

See below for a longer explanation and installation instructions.

So, what is GridCertLib again?

GridCertLib is a Java library providing services to create a SLCS/X.509 certificate and a Grid proxy (optionally VOMS-enabled), given the SAML2 assertion resulting from Shibboleth2 authentication.

The library was written with a specific use-case in mind: use within a portal or web application. The programming interface has thus been kept generic, in order to adapt to the various programming paradigms used by different host products. The only hard requirement is that X.509 certificates and proxies can be stored on the filesystem.

The main use case envisioned for GridCertLib is to provide seamless and secure access to Grid/X.509 certificates and proxies in web portals: when a user logs in to the portal using regular Shibboleth authentication, GridCertLib can automatically obtain a Grid X.509 certificate from a SLCS service and generate a VOMS proxy from it. Moreover, all of this can happen without further interaction with the user.

The most complete description of GridCertLib's architecture and usage is given in arXiv paper 1101.4116.

Feel free to write us for any information or feedback!

Installing and using GridCerLib


GridCertLib depends on several other packages. Most of them are available in the Maven repository referenced by GridCertLib's pom.xml file, so the easiest way to get them is to let Maven perform the download.

Others are not; download URLs are summarized in the table below:

Package Version Download URL Notes
vomsjapi >= RPM packages available from:
glite-slcs-ui 1.4.1
glite-slcs-common 1.6.1
bcprov-1.37 1.37 Needed by glite-slcs-ui and the servlet code in GridCertLib
cog-jglobus 1.8.0 JAR file available in the lib/ subdirectory of archive; see also:
jgss 1.8.0 JAR file available in the lib/ subdirectory of archive; see also:

Building from sources

In order to build the library code and documentation, you need to haven Maven 2 installed. The Maven project file lists the compile- and run-time dependencies; .jar files that are not available from online Maven repositories are included in the lib/ subdirectory.

Not all GridCertLib dependencies are available from Maven repositories; please follow the instructions in section Prerequisites above.

GridCertLib is built using the standard Maven goals; if you're new to Maven, here's a quick start:

  • To compile the library and make a jar file, issue the following command::

      mvn jar:jar

    The resulting .jar file can be found in directory target/.

  • To build documentation, issue the following command::

      mvn javadoc:javadoc

    The HTML documentation can then be found in directory target/site/apidocs. The package ch.swing.gridcertlib overview provides an introduction to the library usage; package ch.swing.gridcertlib.servlet briefly introduces the example servlets and discusses deployment requirements and caveats.

Copyright and license

Copyright (c) 2010, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


GridCertLib is a Java library to create a SLCS/X.509 certificate and Grid proxy from Shibboleth2 authentication.







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