
Tired of the old Lipsum? Try Lovecraft!

Greater Lipsum

For those of us too subversive for just plain old Latin!

You're going to need: * Python 2.4 (earlier versions of Python have not been tested, but may work) * A text file to read from (might I suggest cthullu.txt? I've gotten it all ready for you!) * A command line

How to use greaterLipsum:

Download both the files and put them in the same directory.

From the command line, you're going to want to call You can do this the vanilla way...


This will get you one paragraph from the family favorite, Call of Cthullu! This is provided, of course, that you've downloaded cthullu.txt. I'm sure you have. You wouldn't want to go angering any elder gods, right?

If you don't like vanilla (or Lovecraft), or just want MORE MORE MORE, you can use options!

python -b brave.txt -p 5

...will get you five paragraphs from Brave New World, provided you downloaded brave.txt.

If you want to add in your own books, you'll need a pure text file from which to read, with all paragraphs on their own line. Cutting and pasting from works really well.

Project Information

lipsum python text-generator lorem-ipsum designtool