Application to convert .graffle files to .svg. This allows .graffle files to be viewed by users on Windows/Linux/BSD, where Omnigraffle is not available.
(note the conversion is one-way - this application does not convert .svg files back to omnigraffle)
Installation - Windows Binaries
If you have access to svn, using the version in trunk is recommended(see below). (Windows binaries are made very infrequently and may lag behind trunk)
- Download the windows binary zip file from the downloads page.
- Extract it to a directory on your machine.
- From the command line, run the command:
graffle2svg.exe graffle_file_in.graffle svg_file_out.svg
to convert a file graffle_file_in.graffle to svg_file_out.svg.
(or run graffle2svg.exe --help
for full usage instructions)
If you get a message complaining about msvcr71.dll then download the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributable package" from microsoft.com.
The "graffle2svgview" application included in the standard python package is not included in the windows binaries.
I do not have easy access to any windows computers to test on - binaries were created on Vista, but should work on other releases.
Installation from SVN
(Commands given are on Linux, but should be similar on Windows)
Note: On some distributions you will have to install setuptools first - on Ubuntu this is sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
Check out the project
svn checkout http://graffle2svg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ graffle2svg-read-only
change to the new directory
cd graffle2svg-read-only
install Graffle2SVG
sudo python setup.py install ```
It should now be installed.
Converting a Graffle file
Two commands should have been installed - graffle2svg and graffle2svgview
graffle2svg will convert a file to an svg.
graffle2svg myfile.graffle myfile.svg
(run with the --help argument for more information)
graffle2svgview will first convert a graffle file to a temporary .svg file, and then try to open it with your standard svg viewer - effectively acting like a viewer for graffle files.
graffle2svgview myfile.graffle
Project Goals
The primary goal when creating this project was to allow Linux/Windows users to view technical documentation received in the OmniGraffle .graffle format from Mac users.
Pixel-perfect conversion has not been a specific goal, although patches are welcome.
This application does not attempt to replicate the functionality of the OmniGraffle application.
Project Status
The majority of objects and transformations are converted correctly - however text currently displays noticeably differently, due to a very simple RTF.
graffle2svg will also not handle .graffle files which are actually gzip'd directories including images yet.
Graffle2SVG is written in pure Python it should not have any other dependencies.
BSD - feel free to use build on this work (patches are welcome)
Omnigraffle is a trademark of The Omni Group. Apple, Mac, and Macintosh are copyright Apple Computer, Inc. Other names and marks mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Project Information
- License: New BSD License
- 27 stars
- svn-based source control