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gpsvp - MapExamples.wiki

See the page MapConfiguration for a complete description of the syntax.

Simple tile server: Open Street Map

OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world.

http://gpsvp.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/img/Screen-SP-OSM1.png <= Mapnik ; Osmarender => http://gpsvp.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/img/Screen-SP-OSM2.png

The Mapnik version already exists in gpsVP but it is a good simple example: [Tiled MAP] gpsVPVersionMin=0.4.15 Filename=x=%X&y=%Y.png URL=http://tile.openstreetmap.org/%ZOOM_00/%X/%Y.png

The Osmarender version is the same map with another rendering. To display it in gpsVP use following configuration file: [Tiled MAP] gpsVPVersionMin=0.4.15 Filename=x=%X&y=%Y.png URL=http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Tiles/tile/%ZOOM_00/%X/%Y.png

WMS-Server with 2 maps depending on the zoom level: Bavaria hiking map

The "Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung" has a WMS-Server with topographic maps (1:50 000 and 1:500 000) of Bavaria that are free for personal use.

http://gpsvp.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/img/Screen-SP-TopoBavaria2.png <= Map 1:500 000 ; Map 1:50 000 => http://gpsvp.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/img/Screen-SP-TopoBavaria1.png

With the following configuration file you can use the maps in gpsVP: ``` [Tiled MAP] gpsVPVersionMin=0.4.15 ZoomOne10=UK500 ZoomOne11=UK500 ZoomOne12=UK500 ZoomOne13=UK500 ZoomOne14=UK500 ZoomOne15=TOP50 ZoomOne16=TOP50 ZoomOne17=TOP50 ZoomOne18=TOP50 DemoPointLon=11.04791164 DemoPointLat=47.43018866 DemoPointZoomOne=16

[TOP50] Filename=top50-x=%X&y=%Y&zoom=%ZOOM_17.jpg URL=http://www.geodaten.bayern.de/ogc/getogc.cgi?&REQUEST=GetMap&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS=TK50&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=%LONG1,%LAT1,%LONG2,%LAT2&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&reaspect=false

[UK500] Filename=uk500-x=%X&y=%Y&zoom=%ZOOM_17.jpg URL=http://www.geodaten.bayern.de/ogc/getogc.cgi?&REQUEST=GetMap&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS=UK500&STYLES=default&FORMAT=image/jpeg&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=%LONG1,%LAT1,%LONG2,%LAT2&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&reaspect=false ```

For more explanations see UsingWMSServers.

File based map: Using the cache of Googleak

NB: gpsVP can also download tiles, see How to start a raster maps bulk downloading in the FAQ.

Googleak (or the new .NET version) is a software with a quite user friendly interface to download tiles on your PC. The tiles in the cache of Googleak can be used in gpsVP simply by adding a short configuration file.

For example to use the Yahoo Maps cache of Googleak: * Copy the Googleak folder tiles\yahoo\map to your gpsVP cache. * Rename it to YahooMaps * Add the following file called mapcfg.ini to the folder: [Tiled MAP] gpsVPVersionMin=0.4.15 Filename=%Y Subpath=%ZOOM_01/%X URL=
* That's it. Now just start gpsVP and choose the raster map YahooMaps.

File based map: JTileDownloader

JTileDownloader is a tile downloader for OpenStreetMap.

Fridolin reported on the discussion group that following configuration file is needed to use the downloaded tiles with gpsVP: [Tiled MAP] gpsVPVersionMin=0.4.15 Filename=%Y.png Subpath=%ZOOM_00/%X

File based map: Using the cache of PDA Tilemanager

PDA TileManager is a software which can download tiles along a gpx track, within a circular area or within a manually entered area. It works directly on the PDA or on the PC. The maps are configurable through an xml file.

Here the configuration file needed to use one of these maps with gpsvp: [Tiled MAP] gpsVPVersionMin=0.4.17 Filename=%Y.png Subpath=%ZOOM_00/%X

NB: you can also configure an URL to be able to download tiles as well with pda tilemanager as with gpsvp (take the urlPattern of pda tilemanager and replace $z through %ZOOM_00, $x trough %X and $y through %Y)

File based map: Mobile Atlas Creator

Mobile Atlas Creator is a powerfull tiles downloader with a user friendly interface. It can generate atlases for different programs. gpsVP isn't in the list, but you can use some of the other avaible formats and simply add a configuration file.

Here the configuration file needed to use the Mobile Trail format: [Tiled MAP] gpsVPVersionMin=0.4.15 Subpath=%ZOOM_00/%X Filename=%Y.png You need to put the configuration file in the subfolder named like the name of the map and copy this subfolder into the cache of gpsVP.

Other formats like Maverick atlas format should also be usable especially if you want to avoid having a lot of image files on your storage card (it uses another file extension, probably to avoid some media managers automatically indexing the tiles)

Tile Server with "qrst"-URL: NOAA nautical charts

The NOAA raster nautical charts can apparently be downloaded here as GeoTiff for personal use, so that it should possible to cut them for use with gpsVP using GDAL2tiles.

http://gpsvp.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/img/Screen-SP-Nautical1.png <= two different scales of the map => http://gpsvp.googlecode.com/svn/wiki/img/Screen-SP-Nautical2.png

But there are also available as Google Maps Overlay here or here.

Following configuration permits to display the overlay in gpsVP:

Second version, which works with gpsVP 0.4.18 or newer but which works with all zoom levels (the first version couldn't display anything finer than zoom 11) ``` [Tiled MAP] gpsVPVersionMin=0.4.17 Filename=%QRST.png URL=http://tiles5.geogarage.com/noaa/%6QRST/%QRST.png ZoomOne12=NOAA_12_18 ZoomOne13=NOAA_12_18 ZoomOne14=NOAA_12_18 ZoomOne15=NOAA_12_18 ZoomOne16=NOAA_12_18 ZoomOne17=NOAA_12_18 ZoomOne18=NOAA_12_18 DemoPointLon=-75.10237 DemoPointLat=38.79779 DemoPointZoomOne=17

[NOAA_12_18] Filename=%QRST.png URL=http://tiles5.geogarage.com/noaa/%6QRST/%6,7QRST/%QRST.png ``` (I put a "demo" point on the east coast. If you can't find the map just click context menu/raster map/go to demo point. But note that the map also cover the west coast of the USA)