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Welcome to the user guide for Google Docs Notifier 2! These guides are designed to help you understand how to use the features in Google Docs Notifier 2. Just follow the handy guide below and enjoy the journey!

Before you start, you may want to know more about Google Docs.


  • Getting started
    • Downloading and installing
    • Getting around
  • Contact me

Getting Started

Downloading and Installing

NOTE Make sure you are running a Windows operating system (Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7).

If you downloaded the first version of Google Docs Notifier before, then please make sure you uninstall it before you install this new version of Google Docs Notifier in your computer.

Installation steps are as follows: 1. Uninstall previous versions 1. Run the Google Docs Notifier installer (Download here: http://code.google.com/p/googledocsnotifier/downloads/list) 1. Follow the setup instructions 1. Done, Google Docs Notifier is now successfully installed on your computer

If you encounter any difficulties while installing, please contact me.

Getting Around

You can find the shortcut of the Google Docs Notifier in the Start Menu after you install it.


In the login screen, you just have to key in the user name and password of your Google Account. If you do not have one, please register it here for free.

If you would like to store your password in the software so that you do not have to login each time you visit the application, you can check the "Keep me logged in" checkbox option. You are advised not to check this checkbox if you are using a shared computer.


After logging in, you will be redirected to the page where you can see a list of unread documents as well as their updated date, time and the name of the person who updated them. To view the document, you just need to double click on its name.


As long as there are changes made to existing documents or there are new documents shared with you, then there will be a notification message popped out. The message will be shown every time you run the program also. However, if there is any document deleted from your Google Docs, no notification will be displayed.


Meanwhile, a number showing the total number of unread documents will be displayed on the system tray.


Contact Me

Please email me (my Gmail address is shown in the screenshot above =P) your feedback about your experience to help me improve Google Docs Notifier.