Status Update
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #2
This is also relevant to the python SDK:
running with --backends causes:
- logging at debug level for the application is hidden in the console (even with --debug)
- the sdk Task Queue's page's to crash on load (traceback attached)
- invalid YAML in queue.yaml will continually try to be parsed and flood the console with error messages
running with --backends causes:
- logging at debug level for the application is hidden in the console (even with --debug)
- the sdk Task Queue's page's to crash on load (traceback attached)
- invalid YAML in queue.yaml will continually try to be parsed and flood the console with error messages <> <> #5
Targeting a backend with a task on the dev_appserver fails with the following error:
gaierror: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known
gaierror: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known <> #6
Wow, this is a bad bug. We are unable to develop locally because of this. Uh, this was opened in 2011 so Google what's going on here? <> #7
And now I remember why I stopped using App Engine.
Not being able to test stuff locally is, uh, not so reasonable, y'know?
Not being able to test stuff locally is, uh, not so reasonable, y'know? <> #8
There is one workaround that helps me debug locally:
if os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].startswith('Development'):
taskqueue.add(url='/api/task', params={...})
taskqueue.add(url='/api/task', params={...}, target='backendserver')
In this case, if we debug locally, we run the task in the regular task queue.
if os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].startswith('Development'):
taskqueue.add(url='/api/task', params={...})
taskqueue.add(url='/api/task', params={...}, target='backendserver')
In this case, if we debug locally, we run the task in the regular task queue. <> #9
Ah, easy workaround. Thanks.
1) Adding backends.xml to your project disables logging for your local development server.
2) Backend + pushqueue doesn't work. Task servlet is never being called in the backend instance.
Queue queue = QueueFactory.getQueue("test");
TaskOptions options = TaskOptions.Builder.withUrl("/test/task/worker");
options = options.param(TestTask.task, params);
options = options.header("Host", BackendServiceFactory.getBackendService().getBackendAddress("backend1", 1));