Status Update
Comments <> #2
I agree the syntax is very confusing and should be better documented.
This is the correct syntax:
If your object is named Foo,
SELECT * FROM Foo where __key__ = key( 'Foo', 12345 )
This is the correct syntax:
If your object is named Foo,
SELECT * FROM Foo where __key__ = key( 'Foo', 12345 ) <> #3
There are two ways of specifying KEY values in Gql according to the GQL reference
page: what you wrote (Kind + id #) and also using the string-cast key. Outside of
the Data Viewer, both will work, so to be consistent the Data Viewer should also
support both.
page: what you wrote (Kind + id #) and also using the string-cast key. Outside of
the Data Viewer, both will work, so to be consistent the Data Viewer should also
support both. <> <> #4
We have a working fix for this issue in our source tree. It will be fixed in
production at the next roll-out of the runtime libraries.
production at the next roll-out of the runtime libraries.
1. Go to Query in the production Datastore Data Viewer
2. Insert a query that uses the KEY operation, e.g. "SELECT * FROM Foo
WHERE __key__ = KEY('ag93c...')
3. Run Query
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expect to see results of a query. Instead see "Type Cast Error: unable to
cast [u'ag93c...'] with operation KEY (requires an even number of
operandsor a single encoded string)
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
Datastore Data Viewer as of 2/27/09.