I think is intereting to allow users to navigate to next interactive cell in a CellTable using TAB. It would very useful that the cell renders itself as if the user has clicked it, so no ENTER key has to be pressed in order to interct with it. It will mimic user conduct when completing a form.
Found in GWT Release: 2.1.1
Encountered on OS / Browser: AA
Detailed description (please be as specific as possible):
For example in a CellTable with columns that use EditTextCells it would interesting to let users edit a cell, click TAB, and edit next cell. No edit and click; or ENTER, right arrow, and ENTER to edit next cell.
Workaround if you have one: I have tried to extend current CellTable, but the API is very restricted to do that. It will be fine to relax the API so developers can extend the CellTables to tune keyboard navigation.
Comment #1
Posted on May 20, 2011 by Helpful MonkeyOne workaround I found is to extend your Cell so that isEditing always returns true. There may be deeper ramifications that I don't understand in doing that... but nothing obvious breaks, and tab works!
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 15, 2011 by Happy OxWe use CellTable extensively, and this feature is by far the most frequent request of our users. The behavior of a CellTable (and DataGrid) should mimic Excel and Google Spreadsheet as close as possible when EditTextCells are used.
Comment #3
Posted on Jun 10, 2015 by Massive CatIssue tracked moved to github, see https://github.com/gwtproject/gwt/issues
Status: MovedToGithub