
A java implementation of RFC 2445 (ical) recurrence rules

RFC 2445 describes a scheme for calendar interoperability.

This project implements core parts of RFC 2445 including a parser for recurrence rules, and date lists, and a mechanism for evaluating recurrence rules.

See the javadoc for known issues and caveats.

For questions and the occasional answer, join the user & developer group.


  • evaluates recurrence rules that don't occur more frequently than daily
  • evaluates groups of recurrence rules and handles exceptions
  • Support for Joda-time dates and java.util.Date


  • Direct support for recurrences more frequent than daily
  • Support for user-defined timezones


  • JDK 1.5


  • Stable -- deployed in a large scale calendaring application
  • Efficient for all common recurrences and reasonably efficient for others (Run tests for micro-benchmarks)
  • No known non-halting behaviors

Project Information

RFC2445 Java Calendar Google Repeating Time iCal Scheduling