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google-highly-open-participation-psf - issue #188

Give a class or Python-interest-group presentation on PyPy.

Posted on Dec 7, 2007 by Helpful Giraffe

Read up on PyPy,



and find some online tutorials for interesting tasks, e.g.


and present PyPy to a technical audience. The presentation should be a minimum of 30 minutes before discussions; think ~20 slides.

Document your presentation by taking a photo at the end of the presentation and uploading your slides in PDF format.


Attach files containing the slides and a photo to this task.

Task duration: please complete this task within 5 days (120 hours) of claiming it.

Comment #1

Posted on Dec 7, 2007 by Helpful Kangaroo

Task change: there is no need to give the presentation before declaring this task completed; please simply upload/attach slides in PDF format, and give us information on when/where you will be presenting. (We still expect you to present, and we'd love to see a photo and hear about your experience; consider that all part of the bonus points.)

This change is so that you can complete this task and move on to other tasks more quickly, without having to wait for a scheduled presentation.

Comment #2

Posted on Jan 5, 2008 by Helpful Giraffe

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #3

Posted on Jan 23, 2008 by Grumpy Cat

Changing status as per Leslie's email.

Status: Deleted

demo pypy advocacy