
GIN (GWT INjection) is Guice for Google Web Toolkit client-side code

GIN (GWT INjection) brings automatic dependency injection to Google Web Toolkit client-side code. GIN is built on top of Guice and uses (a subset of) Guice's binding language. (See GuiceCompatibility for details.) By using GWT's compile-time Generator support, GIN has little-to-no runtime overhead compared to manual DI.

GIN 2.1.2 requires GWT 2.5 or higher and Guice 3.0.


GIN is substantially feature-complete, well-tested, and in production use by many teams at Google. GIN 2.1.2 was released in November 2013. You can download the release, check out the source and build (ant dist) or add a dependency if you use maven.

Getting started

Want to get started using GIN? Take a look at the GinTutorial and see the code samples.

Project Information

google Java GWT Guice Generator