I link directly to trunk/ version to highlight snippets in my blog. Recently all indentation for code snippets in my posts became broken.
It would be much better if I could link to specific tag or branch of code prettify.
Comment #1
Posted on Apr 2, 2011 by Quick DogSorry about the breakage.
I can start putting out version branches. I committed a fairly significant rewrite lately : http://groups.google.com/group/js-code-prettifier/browse_thread/thread/98e9beff9204a1fa?hl=en_US . What broke with your code snippets?
Comment #2
Posted on Apr 2, 2011 by Swift ElephantIndentation. I am not sure if it is a prettify bug - the problem can be on a Blogger's side, but to be sure I'd better use some particular version.
Comment #3
Posted on Apr 4, 2011 by Quick Dogr142 is the revision before the changes I mentioned. If you like I can cut a branch there.
Would you mind providing a bit more detail about the breakage? Do you mind posting a URL? If not, do you have a code sample that broke? Does your content contain tabs? Is it in PRE tags or XMP tags?
Comment #4
Posted on Apr 4, 2011 by Swift ElephantIt is in tag with display:block; style. This post had correct indentation - http://techtonik.rainforce.org/2010/11/validating-ssl-server-certificate-with.html and older posts as well.
In the last post I wrapped in to avoid the errors. It could be the Blogger bugs, but I can't test it reliably.
Comment #5
Posted on Apr 15, 2011 by Helpful OxSVN Tags for all previous released versions would be reasonable in any case. Just to compare versions and find regressions, and such.
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