

Existing users - we've just shipped a new version! * ReleaseNotes_09 * Downloads

New users - here is an introduction

This is a new version of the Java Checkout sample code. When we started planning this version, we had a long wishlist of features:

  • Compatible with the widest possible range of JDK versions (1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.x)
  • Allow only core JDK types on the public API interfaces therefore independent of JDK version.
  • Shipped as a library which can be dropped into a project.
  • Provide clear customisation points should the user have non-standard requirements.
  • Clearly defined API for the developer - avoid use of static helper style classes.
  • No modifications should be required to the sample code. i.e. externalise all config parameters.
  • Make the .NET and Java sample code APIs similar, to reduce support overhead.
  • For the 80% of merchants who don't want to customize or build, ship the library as a single JAR + Javadoc.

If you like the sound of all that, here's where to go next.

  • JavaCheckoutRefImpl - the API. Provides an implementation of the entire Checkout API using only core Java classes. Just drop it into your project and you are away!

  • JavaCheckoutWebExampleWar - an example web application using the API. Just copy drag this WAR into your app server deploy directory and you are good to go.

  • JavaCheckoutJ2eeExampleEar - another sample application, this time shipped as an EAR. We have used enterprise Java features to implement a scalable asynchronous notification handler mechanism using JMS.

  • SettingUpTheDevEnvironment - if you want to dig around the source code, here are the instructions for getting yourself setup.

Project Information

commerce java checkout ecommerce google