Status Update
Comments <> #2
This is the expected behavior for the Google Script anchor method.
It is not possible at this time to select the window open.
Changed type=Enhancement
It is not possible at this time to select the window open.
Changed type=Enhancement <> #4
Thank you for your feedback,
We are working on it.
We are working on it.
Anton <> #6
You can now use .setTarget("_self"); to open links in the same window and .setTarget("_blank"); to open links in new tab/window. NOTE: this only works when running script as a service. This will not work when displaying UiApp in Spreadsheet.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #7
Hi I'm using the Apps Script as an embedded gadget on a site, and discovered the setTarget('_self') does not work. Any idea? <> #8
Google kindly fixed it for a stand-alone service outside of Site's or
Doc's...But, only fixed in a stand-alone service for now.
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 4:00 AM,
Doc's...But, only fixed in a stand-alone service for now.
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 4:00 AM,
<>wrote: <> #9
I would also like a solution for setTarget('_self') for embedded gadget on a site.
If anyone has a workaround, please, post it.
If anyone has a workaround, please, post it. <> #10
Yeah...I am needing this too. Any new ideas?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #11
Any news? <> #12
Yes, I also agree it would be great to get this to work for Sites also! <> #13
oct 2011 -> feb 2014
still target('_self') open new window if used in embedded gadget on a site....
please fix it!
still target('_self') open new window if used in embedded gadget on a site....
please fix it! <> #14
Hi, any news about this issue?
app.createAnchor('Go Back','
this opens in the new window. Is it possible to change default behavior and open page in the same windows?
How to open in the same window.