
File Summary + Labels Uploaded Size Matcher API Demo  Type-Installer  Featured Nov 5, 2010 3.28KB
shell_20091112.tar.gz An interactive, stateful AJAX shell that runs Python code on the server. Deployed at  Featured Nov 12, 2009 10.06KB Simple Drawing Application using Google App Engine Jun 17, 2009 47.19KB
openid-consumer_20090125.tar.gz An OpenID consumer. Allows users to log in with any OpenID account. Deployed at  Featured Jan 26, 2009 142.02KB Simple AJAX chat client, with support for user profiles and use of memcache for caching chats.  Featured Oct 31, 2008 5.52KB The python code for the snippets presented in the guestbook example from the "Getting Started" docs.  Featured Oct 30, 2008 4.41KB
openid-consumer_20080704.tar.gz An OpenID consumer. Allows users to log in with any OpenID account. Deployed at Jul 4, 2008 244.32KB
openid-provider_20080503.tar.gz An OpenID provider. Allows Google users to log into OpenID consumer sites using their Google Account. Deployed at  Featured May 3, 2008 80.27KB
shell_20080503.tar.gz An interactive, stateful AJAX shell that runs Python code on the server. Deployed at  Deprecated May 3, 2008 8.1KB
geochat_20080501.tar.gz Geochat is a simple application allowing users within the same geographic area to chat with each other.  Featured  Type-Source May 1, 2008 62.58KB
blitz.20080417.tar.gz Blitz is an Ajax chess program that allows users to play chess and chat in real time  Featured  Type-Source Apr 18, 2008 153.22KB
geochat_20080409.tar.gz Geochat is a simple application allowing users within the same geographic area to chat with each other.  Deprecated  Type-Source Apr 9, 2008 62.56KB
tasks_20080409.tar.gz The Tasks application is a stylized task list. Its a collaborative task application that enables users to share task lists with one another and provides a simple access control mechanism.  Featured  Type-Source Apr 9, 2008 65.53KB
secret_valentine_20080409.tar.gz Secret Valentine is a demo of the mail api. Users fill out a for to send an email to a friend. The application replaces the form content with some secret content and sends an email to the specified user.  Featured  Type-Source Apr 9, 2008 4.56KB
myhangouts_20080409.tar.gz My Hangouts is a simple ajax applications that provides a simple RPC framework for making mostly abstract Python function calls from JavaScript. Provides a few simple functions for the My Hangouts application.This application uses the lower level Datastore API to make datastore calls and perform queries.  Featured  Type-Source Apr 9, 2008 48.42KB
muvmuv_20080409.tar.gz MuvMuv is a simple movie review site that grabs the upcoming movies and find its movie trailer.  Featured  Type-Source Apr 9, 2008 13.57KB
geodatastore_20080409.tar.gz The GeoDataStore application allows you to store you geo data on the App Engine infrastructure. It comes with a backend server which can be accessed directly using Get and Post, as well as a Google Maps API front-end.  Deprecated  Type-Source Apr 9, 2008 13.1KB
django_example_20080409.tar.gz An example of using Django on top of App Engine  Featured  Type-Source Apr 9, 2008 4.61KB
cccwiki_20080409.tar.gz A simple Google App Engine wiki application  Featured  Type-Source Apr 9, 2008 251.19KB