
GladSToNe is an educational ITU-T G729 compliant codec with a GStreamer plugin

Notice on project sources: sources on are to be considered obsolete. Even though the project home page will remain here, the sources have moved to gitorious at:

Notice on notice on project sources: as I discovered today I got some very interesting patches from snifikino, the idea is to apply them both on the SVN Google Code repo and on the gitorious one. After that, the code development will be eventually moved to gitorious.

The aim of this project is to create an opensource ITU-T G729 compliant codec. Even though the first use case will be as a GStreamer element, design and implementation will be done to ease the inclusion in a generic multimedia framework.

Currently the core codec is based on ITU-T reference code (that must be downloaded). The GStreamer elements are wrapping around it to create functional encoder and decoder GStreamer elements.

The implementation has been tested with both Farsight and telepathy-stream-engine in ARM and x86 environments on the following platforms:

  • Nokia N810 (telepathy-stream-engine)
  • Nokia N900 (telepathy-stream-engine)
  • x86 PC (farsight)

It has been tested against (aka connecting with):

  • Nokia n810 (default codecs).
  • Nokia N900 (default codecs).
  • Skype.
  • Google talk.

and is roughly working. Some minor issues (e.g. suspicious "holes" receiving data from internet tables) must still be addressed and fixed. Performances are also far from being optimal.

  • NOTE 1: before compiling the project you need to download g729 ITU-T specifications (with reference code) and set G729_PATH environment variable to point to a c_code folder, e.g.:

export G729_PATH=/home/gibrovacco/Soft/g729AnnexA/c_code

As an alternative, you can use the "--enable-refcode-download" configure option.

  • NOTE 2: prior compiling with GCC the makefiles coder.mak and decoder.mak (in the chosen ITU-T reference code folder) must be modified accordingly (see in the files themself for more hints). This step is automatically performed in case the reference code is downloaded with the "--enable-refcode-download" option.

For more info, my email address is: gibrovacco ad gmail point com (I don't know how to put it explicitly in the Google Code project).

Project Information