A droplet which allows you to open Git-Gui from finder.
To install, http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/downloads/list?q=label:Featured, and extract to /Applications/Scripts (you'll need to create the Scripts directory, likely). Then, find the icon, and drag it up to your toolbar. Keep it there for a few seconds until it "sticks".
To use, open finder to a folder with a git repository, and click the "Git" icon.
Version 2.1
- Fixes bug where repository paths with spaces could not be opened.
Version 2.0
- No longer require an open terminal to get ssh fetches to work. (uses an invisible daemonized screen session instead).
- 2 git-gui instances would be launched by the droplet. That has been addressed and should only happen on extremely rare occasions. (update - actually... it happens every time git gui takes longer than 0.25 seconds to launch, which is the case if git-gui and supporting libraries haven't been cached to disk. bummer)
- Now sports an AWESOME icon (thanks Jake Smith)
This is really a modified version of open in textmate,