
Basic geospatial queries in Google App Engine

This project aims to provide a generalized solution for performing basic indexing and querying of geospatial data in Google App Engine.

At the core, this solution utilizes geohash-like objects called geocells.

Currently, only single-point entities and two types of basic geospatial queries on those entities are supported:

  • bounding box queries
  • proximity (nearest-n) queries

For another approach to geo queries in Google App Engine, see the mutiny project and its associated article, or the geohash-based geodatastore project.


Thanks to the awesome work of Tobias Rodäbel, this library is now available at!


Thanks to the awesome work of Alexandre Gellibert, this library is now available for Google App Engine for Java at!

PubSchools Demo Application

To get an idea of how to use GeoModel in a real world application, check out the PubSchools demo and its source code. Below is a screenshot of a sample query for public schools in San Francisco, CA:

Project Information

AppEngine Python Geo Maps