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gdevilspie - gDevilspie.wiki

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A user friendly interface to the devilspie window matching daemon, to create rules easily.


System wide installation is handled now, but you it can also run uninstalled. Look it at the README for instructions.


Third release http://gdevilspie.googlecode.com/files/gdevilspie-0.31.tar.bz2

Second release http://gdevilspie.googlecode.com/files/gdevilspie-0.2.tar.bz2

Initial release http://gdevilspie.googlecode.com/files/gdevilspie-0.1.tar.bz2


1 April 2008 Release version 0.31 * Rewrote devilspie daemon handling. Should be more robust. * Minor visual enhancements. * Handle system wide install, done using setup.py * Restructure modules. * Added README, COPYING, and .desktop

21 March 2008 Release version 0.2 * Correct parsing of actions that have arguments, specially geometry. * Make the window list scrollable. * Prepare for handling manual changes in the raw tab. * Use non-stock button for starting windowlist. Thanks to nikolay.kovachev for reporting * Run devilspie from anywhere in the path. * Make it clearer what to do when the user doesn't enter a rulename.

17 March 2008 Release version 0.1 * Initial release.


Main Dialog :


Rule Editor :


Window Selector ( with arabic window titles ):
