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gdata-java-client-eclipse-plugin - Installation.wiki


The Google Data plug-in needs to be installed in Eclipse before you can use it. This page illustrates the steps to install the plug-in in Eclipse.


  • JDK (Java Development Kit) version 1.5+

  • Eclipse version 3.3+ and either of the following packages:

    • Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
    • Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
    • Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers
    • Eclipse Classic
    • Eclipse Modeling Tools (only in Ganymede packages)
    • Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers (only in Ganymede packages)
  • GData Java Client library version any. If you want to use the Google Health template, then required version is 1.17.0+ . You can download a latest archive from here.

Plug-in Installation Steps

NOTE: Installation Steps for Eclipse Ganymede packages differ slightly from the ones shown below.

  • Step 1: Start Eclipse. Go to 'Software Updates' in 'Help' menu and then click on 'Find and Install'.


  • Step 2: Select 'Search for new features to install' and then press the 'Next' button.


  • Step 3: Now on this page click on 'New Remote Site'.


  • Step 4: In the popped up dialog, in place of 'Name' enter any name e.g. Google Data Plug-in and in place of 'URL' enter http://gdata-java-client-eclipse-plugin.googlecode.com/svn/update-site

  • Step 5: The name which you just entered will appear in the 'Sites to include in search' list. Make sure it is checked (if not check it) and press the 'Finish' button.


  • Step 6: A dialog will open up and ask you to select the features which you want to install. So, select Google Data Plug-in (or the Name which you had typed in Step 4) and progress further by clicking on 'Next' button.


  • Step 7: The License page will open up. Read the license agreement. Then if you agree to the license terms, click on 'I accept the terms in the license agreement' and then click on 'Next' button.


  • Step 8: A verification dialog will open up. Just click 'Install All'.


  • Step 9: After installation, an Eclipse restart dialog will be popped up. Just hit 'Yes' (if you want to..) and then you are all set to use the plug-in and create Google Data projects on the fly.