Status Update
m....@gmail.com <m....@gmail.com> #2
From conversation thread https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/google-appengine/dStBW4wIemY
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Thomas Wiradikusuma <xxx@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just my 2 cents,
> If indeed our app needs to be single-JARred and obfuscaticated (at least removing unused code), IMO that feature should be baked in the tool. Probably triggered with extra flag.
I think this is also a good feedback especially if creating the single
JAR contributes the performance. I'd appreciate it if you could file
an issue.
-- Takashi
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Thomas Wiradikusuma <xxx@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just my 2 cents,
> If indeed our app needs to be single-JARred and obfuscaticated (at least removing unused code), IMO that feature should be baked in the tool. Probably triggered with extra flag.
I think this is also a good feedback especially if creating the single
JAR contributes the performance. I'd appreciate it if you could file
an issue.
-- Takashi
ri...@gmail.com <ri...@gmail.com> #3
We are also experience issues with the startup time of Java instances. We have production and staging applications on Google App Engine and we can see that the same code on production application can start only on F4 instance type. However on staging application with the same configuration and the same code sometimes it starts on F1 instance type and almost 100% times it start on F2 instances with startup time about 58 seconds.
We've already optimized our application as much as possible.
We've migrated from Spring 3.1 to Guice 3.0 for DI.
Our application does not do any classpath scanning, RPC calls or cache warm-ups on first request. All it's trying to do is to instanciated singleton beans.
But startup time for our application is still VERY slow. On local development server on Mac Book Air application starts in about 3-5 seconds. This code when uploaded to Google App Engine takes from 20 up to 35 seconds to start.
What are the root causes of such a slow startup time? And what are we missing here?
Any comments from Google engineers will be very appreciated.
We've already optimized our application as much as possible.
We've migrated from Spring 3.1 to Guice 3.0 for DI.
Our application does not do any classpath scanning, RPC calls or cache warm-ups on first request. All it's trying to do is to instanciated singleton beans.
But startup time for our application is still VERY slow. On local development server on Mac Book Air application starts in about 3-5 seconds. This code when uploaded to Google App Engine takes from 20 up to 35 seconds to start.
What are the root causes of such a slow startup time? And what are we missing here?
Any comments from Google engineers will be very appreciated.
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #4
Feel free to fill a feature request for "startup/warmup requests should be allowed to exceed 60s"
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #5
[Comment deleted]
os...@gmail.com <os...@gmail.com> #6
"Feel free to fill a feature request for "startup/warmup requests should be allowed to exceed 60s""
That isn't the issue here... the issue is that the startup times shouldn't be taking 60s. On my laptop, they are ~5s. On appengine (even with a f4) they are almost 60s and variable depending on which phase the moon is in...
That isn't the issue here... the issue is that the startup times shouldn't be taking 60s. On my laptop, they are ~5s. On appengine (even with a f4) they are almost 60s and variable depending on which phase the moon is in...
ja...@gmail.com <ja...@gmail.com> #7
Here is the separate issue for mitigating the inability to start instances when GAE gets sick:
be...@gmail.com <be...@gmail.com> #8
Please give this some higher priority. This is causing us real downtime.
pe...@gmail.com <pe...@gmail.com> #9
Agreed, a High priority would make sense given the downtime it's causing.
hi...@gmail.com <hi...@gmail.com> #10
I too would like to see this data available through the API.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #11
This API is just what I was hoping existed. Please make this available!
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #12
I would like also to access this through the API. It would be cool to be able to
upload a picture and find who is on the picture. A lot of applications can use this
to make cool new stuf.
upload a picture and find who is on the picture. A lot of applications can use this
to make cool new stuf.
cs...@gmail.com <cs...@gmail.com> #13
Please add this to the API!!!
fk...@gmail.com <fk...@gmail.com> #14
Wondering when it comes out!!
ki...@gmail.com <ki...@gmail.com> #15
We have been experiencing startup issues for last 7 days during specific times (US PST Morning time between 6 to 10 am)
Our application is live with for last couple of months but problem became pretty acute in last week and caused a lot of inconvenience for the end users.
I'm also attaching a chart which shows the periodicity of this issue at around same time each day.
We have been experiencing startup issues for last 7 days during specific times (US PST Morning time between 6 to 10 am)
Our application is live with for last couple of months but problem became pretty acute in last week and caused a lot of inconvenience for the end users.
I'm also attaching a chart which shows the periodicity of this issue at around same time each day.
st...@gmail.com <st...@gmail.com> #16
I experiences the same startup issue the last days. Please check issue and screenshots in issue 8004
I experiences the same startup issue the last days. Please check issue and screenshots in
to...@gmail.com <to...@gmail.com> #17
Is there any progress on this issue?
We have been experiencing issues with startup of Java servers for a month now.
One application id our code runs fine with F2 instance types. But when we deploy the same code to another application id - it cannot start during 60sec even on F4 instance type.
Is there any progress on this issue?
We have been experiencing issues with startup of Java servers for a month now.
One application id our code runs fine with F2 instance types. But when we deploy the same code to another application id - it cannot start during 60sec even on F4 instance type.
ed...@gmail.com <ed...@gmail.com> #18
Would be great
as...@gmail.com <as...@gmail.com> #19
To me the slowtimes are caused by the reading of static resources (classes, properties, xml). My bundle is 100Mb big and takes 50secs with F2 to start. Is there a copy of resources at every instance startup?
ju...@gmail.com <ju...@gmail.com> #20
can help increase the frontend 60s timeout because it really expensive to have at least 1 instance of permanent idle instance running 24X7. On the other hands move everything to backend is as well an expensive approach. At least have timeout of 3mins . By having timeout 3mins. this allow us to use dynamic instance and time just enough to warm boot up and serve a request
mg...@gmail.com <mg...@gmail.com> #22
Same here! I just don't understand why GAE scheduler needs to serve warmup requests - this is totally killing the user experience! If a new instance is needed, it should trigger a warmup request and only serve user requests with this instance when it's ready. This would be the most reasonable way, why is it so hard to implement?
Thanks, Google.
Thanks, Google.
li...@gmail.com <li...@gmail.com> #23
App engine just isn't well suited for Java.
A warning to everyone, you need at least 5 resident instances if you want a guaranteed warmup request. If you have only 3 resident instances, they can be on the same machine and if the machine is overloaded because of other apps running on that server (not your application), the instances will remain idle. So just because you are paying for 3 instances, does not mean they will be used when you need them.
Furthermore, app start up time is also correlated to other traffic on that machine. We have a fixed start up process (no database access, just java class loading) but it still ranges from 25 seconds to 55 seconds.
A warning to everyone, you need at least 5 resident instances if you want a guaranteed warmup request. If you have only 3 resident instances, they can be on the same machine and if the machine is overloaded because of other apps running on that server (not your application), the instances will remain idle. So just because you are paying for 3 instances, does not mean they will be used when you need them.
Furthermore, app start up time is also correlated to other traffic on that machine. We have a fixed start up process (no database access, just java class loading) but it still ranges from 25 seconds to 55 seconds.
is...@gmail.com <is...@gmail.com> #24
[Comment deleted]
bs...@gmail.com <bs...@gmail.com> #25
Yup I am also having this problem since February 11th 2013, as you can see my costs have multiplied TEN TIMES, and I have changed NOTHING with my application.
My AppID isidebanet.appspot.com if you want to startup an instance yourself just go to http://www.diarybooker.com/demo (same as http://idebanet.appspot.com/demo )
2013-03-25 12:55:21 Charge Cleared ($25.74)
2013-03-18 16:11:03 Charge Cleared ($19.67)
2013-03-11 13:01:14 Charge Cleared ($6.85)
2013-03-04 13:58:43 Charge Cleared ($6.94)
2013-02-25 13:01:18 Charge Cleared ($13.16)
2013-02-18 13:00:10 Charge Cleared ($9.06)
2013-02-11 13:02:06 Charge Cleared ($20.42)
2013-02-04 12:49:39 Charge Cleared ($2.30)
2013-01-28 12:48:57 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2013-01-21 12:52:44 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2013-01-14 12:48:24 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2013-01-07 12:50:48 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-12-31 12:59:44 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-12-24 13:02:54 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-12-17 13:05:47 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-12-10 13:01:34 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-12-03 15:09:00 Charge Cleared ($2.64)
2012-11-26 12:59:38 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-11-19 13:08:04 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-11-12 13:01:26 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
My AppID is
2013-03-25 12:55:21 Charge Cleared ($25.74)
2013-03-18 16:11:03 Charge Cleared ($19.67)
2013-03-11 13:01:14 Charge Cleared ($6.85)
2013-03-04 13:58:43 Charge Cleared ($6.94)
2013-02-25 13:01:18 Charge Cleared ($13.16)
2013-02-18 13:00:10 Charge Cleared ($9.06)
2013-02-11 13:02:06 Charge Cleared ($20.42)
2013-02-04 12:49:39 Charge Cleared ($2.30)
2013-01-28 12:48:57 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2013-01-21 12:52:44 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2013-01-14 12:48:24 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2013-01-07 12:50:48 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-12-31 12:59:44 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-12-24 13:02:54 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-12-17 13:05:47 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-12-10 13:01:34 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-12-03 15:09:00 Charge Cleared ($2.64)
2012-11-26 12:59:38 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-11-19 13:08:04 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
2012-11-12 13:01:26 Charge Cleared ($2.10)
jf...@youtube.com <jf...@youtube.com> #26
I support @Thomas.B. suggestion on warmup start should be fast. Anyway to get instance ready and straight serve to user instead of waiting for instance startup request... Is really degraded user experiences very badly. too slow.. Possible to reserve faster cpu to speed up one warmup request and downgrade cpu once warmup completed.
mf...@gmail.com <mf...@gmail.com> #27
add on, even if waiting for 30s for page to finish first warmup request... i believe some visitors will not wait that long =( .
jo...@gmx.de <jo...@gmx.de> #28
I´m getting this issue very often these days as well, still very common for java apps as you can check in different forums. This is a very intermitent issue (sometimes happens other times don´t) which affects dramatically the performance and users experience.
Please provide a higher timout as mentioned above or give at least the option to set a specific and more powerfull frontend instance class just for the warmup request.
Same issue as 7836 by the way.
Please provide a higher timout as mentioned above or give at least the option to set a specific and more powerfull frontend instance class just for the warmup request.
Same issue as 7836 by the way.
ch...@gmail.com <ch...@gmail.com> #29
new feature request created 10360
li...@gmail.com <li...@gmail.com> #30
looking for way to burst cpu on startup java application. I tested even simple java servlet required 6-7s loading time which very bad impression for web surfers.
rb...@gmail.com <rb...@gmail.com> #31
if google able to fix it. gona love google more. Unlikely people will run anymore webapp using simple java servlet. Add on overhead with framework like guice,spring.. startup time is seriously worsen. help us find magic to burst the startup time or can have something similar like serving vmware resume back the already booted startup instance. Counting on you ...googlers coz i'm already stuck after tried other workarounds like do not use DI etc.
sh...@gmail.com <sh...@gmail.com> #32
Regarding the last comment about DI.
I suggest you tryhttp://square.github.io/dagger/ if you're using something like Guice now. It does a lot of the injector annotation processing at compile time so startup time is improved. So far I've had good experience with it, the improvement was noticeable, and it was relatively easy to migrate code (except for unit tests - that's a bit painful for the moment).
It also appears that startup times were much more stable as a result.
I suggest you try
It also appears that startup times were much more stable as a result.
gv...@gmail.com <gv...@gmail.com> #33
i already mentioned even with simple java servlet loading time is still 6-7s. there no point use any layer of framework.
lh...@gmail.com <lh...@gmail.com> #34
Any one figured out something new around this issue?
We tried many things, including proguard shrink, but as #37 mentioned a empty java servlet takes still 6-7s which is extremely high if it is user facing.
We tried many things, including proguard shrink, but as #37 mentioned a empty java servlet takes still 6-7s which is extremely high if it is user facing.
sh...@gmail.com <sh...@gmail.com> #35
The most effective solution (also the most expensive) is to up the instance size to F4.
ca...@gmail.com <ca...@gmail.com> #36
f4 and f2 has similar cpu speed. addon f4 will add-on extra cost for someone that just need to use appengine to prototype idea and haven't started generating revenue.
al...@gmail.com <al...@gmail.com> #37
When I last tested this (a year ago), F2 startup time was only slightly better than F1 startup time. F4 was dramatically better. It's expensive but it's an answer.
sh...@gmail.com <sh...@gmail.com> #38
Is anyone still looking into this issue? I am facing the same situation.
ca...@gmail.com <ca...@gmail.com> #39
Hi #42. It doesn't seem that this will be ever fixed, as this post is from 2012 and affects ALSO the python instances. If they can't make python to boot fast, it won't ever work for java as well.
As engineer, my advice for them would be to at least make the resident instances to work well, as those don't work well too.
This issue is the reason why I chose to not use appengine in my current project.
As engineer, my advice for them would be to at least make the resident instances to work well, as those don't work well too.
This issue is the reason why I chose to not use appengine in my current project.
br...@gmail.com <br...@gmail.com> #40
This issue is being closed as all blocking work is complete. The issue has likely been resolved for a while, however thanks to the recent integration with our internal tracker we can more easily detect cases with no remaining blockers.
If this issue is not actually resolved, please open a new issue which references this one and we'll take a look.
If this issue is not actually resolved, please open a new issue which references this one and we'll take a look.
ba...@gmail.com <ba...@gmail.com> #41
Hi Google,
Please release (to developers) Picasa - Face Data - Access .
You will surely get many open source application and ideas.
You can also organize some code competition and get ideas.
All are Waiting for quick solution (Face API) !
Please release (to developers) Picasa - Face Data - Access .
You will surely get many open source application and ideas.
You can also organize some code competition and get ideas.
All are Waiting for quick solution (Face API) !
mr...@gmail.com <mr...@gmail.com> #42
It's been over a year since this was suggested. Is this feature coming? If so when?
This would be incredibly useful to my organization and would mean that we would be
writing a plugin to picasa rather than trying to duplicate all of that work.
This would be incredibly useful to my organization and would mean that we would be
writing a plugin to picasa rather than trying to duplicate all of that work.
be...@gmail.com <be...@gmail.com> #43
3) Search all photos for a particular name
3.1) Search list of names with any photo
3.2.) Search all photos for a name (or part of a name) and any tag.
3.1) Search list of names with any photo
3.2.) Search all photos for a name (or part of a name) and any tag.
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #44
I would use a face recognition API too!
ik...@gmail.com <ik...@gmail.com> #45
this would be great thing!
t....@gmail.com <t....@gmail.com> #47
Hey wen will face detection be exposed in api.ny idea??
ko...@gmail.com <ko...@gmail.com> #48
this would be awesome
ko...@gmail.com <ko...@gmail.com> #49
this would be awesome
hu...@gmail.com <hu...@gmail.com> #50
I want it.
jo...@gmail.com <jo...@gmail.com> #51
I want it too!
ni...@gmail.com <ni...@gmail.com> #52
Would be a great addition to the API.
gl...@gmail.com <gl...@gmail.com> #53
Need to be implemented!
be...@gmail.com <be...@gmail.com> #54
I'm surprised its not available... please make it available.
sr...@gmail.com <sr...@gmail.com> #55
waiting for this api...Pls release
sr...@gmail.com <sr...@gmail.com> #56
waiting for this api...Pls release
cc...@gmail.com <cc...@gmail.com> #57
mo...@gmail.com <mo...@gmail.com> #58
No more informations about this feature in API ?
ro...@gmail.com <ro...@gmail.com> #59
Please! It is so unlike the Google we love to make this data inaccessible.
ha...@gmail.com <ha...@gmail.com> #60
common google! make this happen. I want this in my phone client!
wa...@gmail.com <wa...@gmail.com> #61
This has been open for ~2.5 years now and is by far the most starred issue. And only one response (comment 26) from a project member? Lots of clarifying comments since then.
Like others, I want to see a list of faces. That list needs to include the identity of the person and the location of the box around that persons face.
The ability to add, update, change stuff would be nice, as would searching and filters. But I really just want the list with locations.
Like others, I want to see a list of faces. That list needs to include the identity of the person and the location of the box around that persons face.
The ability to add, update, change stuff would be nice, as would searching and filters. But I really just want the list with locations.
de...@gmail.com <de...@gmail.com> #62
waiting for the API!!!
mo...@gmail.com <mo...@gmail.com> #63
In response to comment 26 .. yes to all of these
and please add:
1. return name and other data in response to picture-based query of picasa web-albums
2. compressed (facial-features) query for embedded clients ex. security cameras against picasa web-albums
3. return parameters such as sex, age, smile, blink, race, facial-symmetry ... (beauty?) in response to query to picasa web-albums
4. return percentage matches for queries to picasa web-albums
5. allow logical queries of picasa web-albums ex. return pix of bill && monica && ^hillary
6. return "best-picture" of an individual in response to a query using name or picture-data ... could be based on votes, tags or
7. allow "best-picture" to be back-substituted into current image and patched ... replace a person who has their eyes closed, face partially occluded etc.
and please add:
1. return name and other data in response to picture-based query of picasa web-albums
2. compressed (facial-features) query for embedded clients ex. security cameras against picasa web-albums
3. return parameters such as sex, age, smile, blink, race, facial-symmetry ... (beauty?) in response to query to picasa web-albums
4. return percentage matches for queries to picasa web-albums
5. allow logical queries of picasa web-albums ex. return pix of bill && monica && ^hillary
6. return "best-picture" of an individual in response to a query using name or picture-data ... could be based on votes, tags or
7. allow "best-picture" to be back-substituted into current image and patched ... replace a person who has their eyes closed, face partially occluded etc.
ni...@gmail.com <ni...@gmail.com> #64
This sounds extremely useful for my needs.
m0...@gmail.com <m0...@gmail.com> #65
Where is it already?!
vu...@gmail.com <vu...@gmail.com> #67
come on, where is it already??
Please give us some feedback
Please give us some feedback
es...@gmail.com <es...@gmail.com> #68
Me too, I hope for it.
I think they dont make it because it is not good for Privacy.
Imagine the following:
1.) You make an invitaion for an public event on an Social Network.
2.) The Users will connect somehow to that invitaion (Like, +1, Join, ...)
3.) Now you have personal profiledata of that person and an image
4.) You place an cam on the entrance of that event ....
5.) Now you have an complete personal profile of the persons who visit the event.
6.) Now you can act .... Play the right sound, increase the price for some special offer, .... just joking.
I think the wishlist of the API is quite complete.
For the above mentioned Applikation I would need the ability to POST an Image (of one or more Persons) and get Face information of the Person(s) on it.
Does any Google Developer give us an statement about that API?
Is there a way to use that function in the Picasa Desktop (COM)?
Is there any other Company who offers it?
I think they dont make it because it is not good for Privacy.
Imagine the following:
1.) You make an invitaion for an public event on an Social Network.
2.) The Users will connect somehow to that invitaion (Like, +1, Join, ...)
3.) Now you have personal profiledata of that person and an image
4.) You place an cam on the entrance of that event ....
5.) Now you have an complete personal profile of the persons who visit the event.
6.) Now you can act .... Play the right sound, increase the price for some special offer, .... just joking.
I think the wishlist of the API is quite complete.
For the above mentioned Applikation I would need the ability to POST an Image (of one or more Persons) and get Face information of the Person(s) on it.
Does any Google Developer give us an statement about that API?
Is there a way to use that function in the Picasa Desktop (COM)?
Is there any other Company who offers it?
da...@gmail.com <da...@gmail.com> #69
I'm keen to exploit this functionality to enhance analysing old family photographs on a web site so would like to know how to get this issue moving forward as it seems Google have been sitting on the subject for nearly 3 years.
ol...@gmail.com <ol...@gmail.com> #70
What does this mean?
Status: 1367479
Status: 1367479
eh...@gmail.com <eh...@gmail.com> #71
I just want to retrieve a list of photos with a specified people name from all photos of my own albuns. I don't think it will be bad for privacy.
vu...@gmail.com <vu...@gmail.com> #73
nice find by 72 'D'Arcy Rittich'
go...@gmail.com <go...@gmail.com> #74
my want is simple compared to most here i'd just like access to the list of photos already easily displayable here
but via the picasa api (or even a g+ one)
but an rss/xml/rest or other easily machine readable format seems unavailable thus far
its looking likely that i may have to decipher the js and essentially 'screen scrape' the urls of the pics (which is all i want)
but via the picasa api (or even a g+ one)
but an rss/xml/rest or other easily machine readable format seems unavailable thus far
its looking likely that i may have to decipher the js and essentially 'screen scrape' the urls of the pics (which is all i want)
ha...@gmail.com <ha...@gmail.com> #75
I have a new storage capacity just bought, for downloading a video clip of my own
Picasa Web.
I hope your help me find a solution to download a video clip yours.
Note: I have a mobile iPhone and also Web Allbeckasa application,
Picasa Web.
I hope your help me find a solution to download a video clip yours.
Note: I have a mobile iPhone and also Web Allbeckasa application,
f....@gmail.com <f....@gmail.com> #76
is google still doesnt provide the developers with face tags data from photos?
If not, is there any way to access that? I need it for my thesis.
If not, is there any way to access that? I need it for my thesis.
et...@gmail.com <et...@gmail.com> #77
I need face tags in API too.
ma...@google.com <ma...@google.com> #78
We are marking this issue as Obsolete as this issue tracker is no longer monitored by the team responsible for this API service.
If this is a technical issue you still need assistance with, please post to the appropriate tag on Stack Overflow:http://www.stackoverflow.com
You can also visithttp://developers.google.com and locate the particular product for up-to-date support options.
If this is a technical issue you still need assistance with, please post to the appropriate tag on Stack Overflow:
You can also visit
New Picasaweb Faces capabilities are great. API access to this data could
allow some great extensions to the current interface.
To many cool projects to list, please just let me at the data...