This is the list of changes for each release of the plugin.
Change log
Version 1.6.0 / august 10 2009
- new: support for custom taxonomies in widgets and builder
- new: resizing images support for widget and results
- new: config options to set the panels user access levels
- new: preventing duplicate votes from integration
- new: few more filters for t2 rendering
- new: filters for modifying sql queries used for results
- new: few more tags for results and widgets templates
- edit: many improvements for t2 rendering
- edit: cleanup of widgets, render and templates code
- fix: missing voters log on the articles panel
- fix: invalid review rating results from widget sql query
- fix: panel with multi rating results filtering problems
- fix: rendering review stars for widget or results
- fix: option to control comment reply for integration was not working
- fix: rendering multi rating stars results for widget or results
- fix: rating added to rss cut during formation of the feed
- fix: some minor problems with t2 rendering of comments widget
- fix: builder javascript problems in wordpress 2.8
Version 1.5.8 / august 4 2009
- new: russian translation thanks to studio xl
- new: ukrainian translation thanks to Oleksandr Natalenko
- new: additional indexes to all plugin's database tables
- new: force using cache even if it's not auto detected
- new: added some new functions for getting and rendering data
- fix: problem with inclusion of some javascript helper functions
- fix: dashboard widget with latest votes in wpmu
- fix: db queries use of users table causing wpmu problems
- fix: other minor incompatibilities with wordpressmu and buddypress
Version 1.5.7 / july 26 2009
- new: function to mirror starrating shortcode
- new: several new actions for saving votes
- new: options to allow zero votes from integrated ratings
- new: rank id template tag for widget and shortcode results
- fix: minor problems with bayesian sorting for widget and results
- fix: rendering of bayesian rating results
- fix: thumbs javascript problem with IE browsers
- fix: caching prefetch of integration results
- fix: missing parameters in thumbs integration functions
- fix: some problems with builder panel and invalid generated function
- fix: invalid multi rating template displayed on settings panel
Version 1.5.6 / july 23 2009
- new: rss integration supports thumbs results
- new: rss integration supports multi ratings results
- new: post based deleting multi set results
- new: jquery ui 1.7 styles and datepicker for better wp 2.8 support
- edit: major overhaul of the trend recalculations
- edit: tinymce plugin and builder support thumbs
- edit: results widget supports thumbs ratings datasource
- edit: top blog widget supports thumbs ratings results
- edit: graphics generator expanded to support thumbs sets
- edit: added extra classes to thumbs loaders
- fix: several problems with trend recalculations for multi results
- fix: missing german translation for jquery datepicker
- fix: display some of the data on multi sets panel
- fix: column sorting on visitors log panel
- fix: deleting thumbs data from articles panel
- fix: deleting thumbs data from visitors log
- fix: deleting thumbs data from users log
Version 1.5.5 / july 20 2009
- new: cache support for multi rating sets
- new: auto insert comments outside post or page, but still in the post loop
- new: three more square shaped loader animations
- new: another default thumbs set called classical
- new: articles and comments thumbs waiting loader animations
- new: few more filters for data prepared for widget rendering
- edit: expanded article and comment results objects with thumbs data
- edit: improved and cleaned styles structure of main css file
- edit: improved latest votes dashboard widget
- edit: clean up of all admin css files
- edit: expanded info files and list of filters and actions added
- fix: problems with theme functions used for rendering widgets
- fix: theme function for rendering comments thumbs
- fix: generating css with no thumbs or stars sets selected
Version 1.5.4 / july 16 2009
- new: dashboard widget with latest votes with filter options
- new: option to disable thumbs up/down ratings
- new: show thumbs data and log on the comments panel
- new: show thumbs data and log on the users panel
- new: prefetch and cache comment integration results
- edit: few updates to features and functions info files
- edit: more improvements to caching and prefetch system
- fix: loading of main css file for wp older than 2.7
- fix: rendering of thumbs rating comments text
- fix: adding default values for categories rules and restrictions
- fix: users log queries to support thumbs ratings
- fix: problem with article trends charts rendering
- fix: missing voted class for blocks that are not active
- fix: invalid cookies check for articles thumbs ratings
- fix: cookies not saved or checked for thumbs ratings
- fix: compression problem with zlib compression already active in php.ini
- fix: prefetch problem with comments rating not auto inserted
- fix: extra empty lines on the end of some files
- fix: several more php notices found on blog pages
Version 1.5.3 / july 13 2009
- new: first version of the thumbs up/down ratings
- new: show thumbs data and log on the articles panel
- new: shortcode for thumbs up/down ratings
- new: gfx classes now support thumbs sets and sizes
- new: main css file expanded with thumbs generation code
- new: preview for thumbs sets and seection for main css file
- new: german translation thanks to bjoern buerstinghaus
- edit: expanded wp query support with thumbs score and votes
- edit: expanded builder and tinymce plugin with thumbs shortcode and function
- edit: upgrade of plugin now resets css cache timestamp
- edit: optimized check for multi rating sets to render
- fix: cache and prefetch not working for theme functions
- fix: checking for standard rating vote value not to allow negative values
- fix: check multi ratings active to exclude more sql queries
Version 1.5.2 / july 7 2009
- fix: import from post star rating plugin data
- fix: import from wp post rating plugin data
- fix: deleting multi rating data from comments integration
- fix: saving standard rating through comment integration failes in some cases
- fix: post prefetch array not always initialized
- fix: comments prefetch with no post comments
Version 1.5.1 / july 5 2009
- new: optimized sql queries for getting posts and caching results
- new: optimized sql queries for getting comments and caching results
- new: caching of templates to reduce number of queries
- new: added minimal votes filter for wp query
- fix: checking for multi sets on non pages or posts
- fix: checking for logged data even if it's disabled
- fix: export problem caused by incompatibility with jquery 1.3
Version 1.5.0 / july 3 2009
- new: modifing WP Query to allow sorting posts using reviews, votes and ratings
- new: plugin now uses category based voting rules and limitations
- new: css and javascipt files are loaded using wp enqueue functions
- new: css and javascipt files are transported using server side gzip compression
- new: attempts to log the invalid set request, if log into file is active
- edit: changed some defaults settings values for fresh installations
- edit: no longer shows the error message when the set is missing
- fix: after database reinstall default templates are missing
- fix: exporting data returns no results
- fix: saving incomplete integration multi rating
- fix: invalid url for creating multi rating set
- fix: saving multi review with one of the integration widgets deactivated
Version 1.4.8 / june 26 2009
- new: added extended multi rating stars template
- new: rating widget and results can include post excerpt
- edit: some of the templates expanded with few more tags
- edit: removed some more obsolete code
- edit: massive html cleanup on all plugins admin panels
- fix: adding empty values for multi reviews
- fix: multi rating results sql had a small category problem
- fix: missing parameters in builder generated functions results
- fix: confusing branching in multi review editor code
- fix: missing default values for multi review function
- fix: initialization of category during full installation failed
- fix: minor installation problem with WP 2.6
- fix: missing visual styles for pre WP 2.7 versions
- fix: missing script type on all plugins admin panels
- fix: invalid tags on all plugins admin panels
Version 1.4.7 / june 25 2009
- fix: loading of main CSS file on the admin pages
- fix: integration multi set on categories page get deleted
- fix: multi review on edit page fails when set is not found
- fix: inserting multi values fails sometimes
Version 1.4.6 / june 21 2009
- new: enable or disable caching of the main css file:
- new: categories panel is now functional:
- new: template and function to render multi rating average integrated in comment:
- new: additional ajax data validation for better security:
- edit: deleting votes from votes log panel:
- edit: few improvements to some functions and shortcodes:
- edit: changes to some styles and html markup:
- edit: updated integration functions:
- edit: expanded info integration functions file:
- edit: small changes to ajax rating code:
- fix: missing alt for static stars image:
- fix: invalid rendering for wp_gdsr_show_multi_review function:
- fix: category based multi set auto insertion:
- fix: multi review on the page edit panel broken:
- fix: adding default values into articles table:
- fix: ajax return data for value not integer:
- fix: page/post edit panel sidebar widget selections broken:
- fix: missing alt for images used in preinstalled templates:
- fix: minor problem with ajax url:
- fix: search and filtering on the articles panel:
- fix: builder for multi review:
- fix: one of the builder tabs wasn't displayed:
Version 1.4.5 / june 17 2009
- edit: few changes for better page validation support:
- edit: small improvements to readme file:
- edit: expanding categories support, still a lot to do:
- edit: plugin version checker updated for better WP 2.8 compatibility:
- fix: inserting templates into databse broken:
Version 1.4.4 / june 14 2009
- new: Comment integration expanded with reply support to hide rating:
- new: JavaScript functions for comment integration status and values:
- edit: T2 classes and functions updated and isolated:
- edit: more expansions to info files:
Version 1.4.3 / june 8 2009
- edit: small changes to the builder panel:
- fix: different stars sizes between function call and settings after saving vote:
- fix: few minor problems with multi ratings auto insert:
- fix: rating block function doesn't pass the average stars values:
- fix: small bug with builder multi rating function:
Version 1.4.2 / june 3 2009
- fix: wrong class call for update check function:
Version 1.4.1 / june 2 2009
- new: builder panel for creating function calls and shortcodes:
- new: few more integration functions:
- edit: expanded some of the shortcodes:
- edit: changed few of the integration functions parameter order:
- edit: reorganized tinymce plugin code for reuse:
- edit: cleanup of tinymce plugin html:
- edit: improved tinymce plugin javascript:
- fix: few multi review regression bugs on the post edit page:
- fix: integration problem with standard ratings:
- fix: few minor css problems in tinymce plugin:
- fix: some integration functions missing descriptions:
- fix: minor problem with tinymce plugin javascript:
- fix: bugs in the integration functions descriptions:
Version 1.4.0 / may 31 2009
- new: support for cross-domain ajax calls using jquery jsonp:
- new: templates map as a part of the info pages:
- new: integration functions to show ratings from comment areas:
- new: option to disable check for ie6 browsers:
- new: displaying expanded info about the available update:
- edit: improved template editor:
- edit: more improvements for the info files:
- edit: few more missing strings for translation:
- fix: minor layout problem with t2 editor:
- fix: saving multi rating from comment integration block:
- fix: small problem with inserting additional templates:
- fix: small xhtml validation problems:
- fix: few bugs in the integration functions descriptions:
Version 1.3.4 / may 22 2009
- new: integration functions with star set changing options:
- fix: deleting multi rating sets:
- fix: missing text color for the multi rating block:
- fix: minor problems with rendering widgets:
- fix: rendering list of categories in WP2.8:
- fix: invalid rendering call for widgets for WP2.8:
Version 1.3.3 / may 19 2009
- new: customization of spider bot's filter:
- new: settings for inclusion of stars sets and sizes in css file:
- new: stars preview now shows the stars set author info:
- new: some of the rendering functions expanded with custom style for stars:
- edit: expanded some of the helper custom functions:
- edit: more updates to read me and info files:
- edit: file renaming and reordering:
- edit: partial code refactoring:
- edit: removed some more old and unused code:
- edit: changed default values for some of the settings:
- fix: conflict with multi review and rating ids:
- fix: rendering submit button for multi block even if the rating is not allowed:
- fix: invalid css included on post edit panel:
- fix: saving new empty comment value:
Version 1.3.2 / may 17 2009
- new: rating text template expanded with element displayed after voting:
- new: revised css model for rendering active rating blocks:
- new: integrate standard post rating into comments:
- new: deleting data from integrated ratings if comment is deleted:
- new: custom function to override read only for standard and multi ratings on current post
- new: documentation with custom functions:
- edit: optimized main rating css file:
- edit: all rating blocks updated to use new css style model:
- edit: t2 templates list now paged:
- edit: added option to make standard rating block read only:
- edit: rewritten integration javascript code:
- edit: rewritten comment integration code:
- edit: multi rating function with read_only parameter:
- edit: updated read me file to support new html info files:
- edit: updated stars set format file with version:
- edit: star rating set 2.0:
- edit: plain stars set 2.0:
- edit: few more missing strings for translation:
- fix: default comments rating block template:
- fix: invalid javascript for multi review block:
- fix: small problem with tinymce plugin default values:
- fix: missing some parts of rendering multi editor block:
- fix: minor problem with adding data to votes log table:
- fix: rare problem with preparation of the multi sets rendering:
Version 1.3.1 / may 10 2009
- new: added two more stars sizes, 16px and 24px:
- edit: extensive code cleanup eliminating editor warnings:
- edit: optimization of rating css file:
- edit: expanded some of the rendering functions:
- edit: max number of elements in multi set increased to 20:
- edit: removed more of the obsolete unused code:
- fix: rare problem with external css file in firefox:
- fix: invalid results in the rating widgets:
- fix: small problem in widget results sql query with all categories selected:
- fix: multi rating block shows button even if the button is disabled:
- fix: widget data sorting problem with grouping active:
- fix: t2 rendering for multi ratings invalid average rating value:
- fix: multi ratings block doesn't contain template info:
- fix: multi ratings vote doesn't receive template used for rendering:
- fix: rare problem with invalid post type in comment rating:
- fix: calculating remaining time parts:
Version 1.3.0 / may 7 2009
- new: improved sorting of data for t2 rendering:
- new: few more extra templates:
- new: multi ratings partial support for own restriction rules:
- new: import t2 templates from alternative location:
- new: export own t2 templates into csv file:
- new: cleanup of the debug file:
- edit: removed use of json_encode function:
- edit: expanded static stars rendering with id and type:
- edit: more settings for rendering multi review blocks:
- edit: expanded t2 template for multi ratings with new tag elements:
- edit: small update to gdragon base classes:
- edit: better optimization of multi rating database queries:
- edit: improved database tables defaults:
- edit: many minor rendering tweaks:
- fix: rare case of invalid sorting of widget data:
- fix: tinymce plugin javascript missing semicolons:
- fix: multi review restirctions in the rating widget:
- fix: comments widget comment text contains html tags:
- fix: multi rating autoinsert generates warning with no auto insert sets:
- fix: borders, paddings and margins around images in static multi ratings:
- fix: adding new template sets default flag wrong:
- fix: displaying multi review count for sets:
- fix: saving some of the settings:
- fix: few more minor t2 bugs:
Version 1.2.3 / april 30 2009
- edit: ajax voting comment returns new t2 rendered text:
- edit: removed some more old code:
- edit: more t2 templates improvements:
- edit: many imporvements and changes to custom functions:
- edit: multi review editor using t2 rendering:
- edit: small improvements to t2 panel:
- edit: few more tinymce plugin improvements:
- edit: old templates panel and settings removed:
- edit: updated plugin requirements:
- fix: number of minor bugs and typos:
- fix: recalculating multi rating data into objects:
- fix: small bugs with multi rating css and javascript:
- fix: ajax voting rating text result:
Version: 1.2.2 / april 26 2009
- new: extra comments widget template
- new: updating default templates
- new: rating results rendering using t2
- new: t2 templates for reviews
- edit: updated readme file
- edit: few improvements to t2 base classes
- edit: few improvements to tinymce plugin
- fix: missing files for comments widget
- fix: small problem with rendering of static stars using divs
- fix: t2 widget rendering call with invalid default type
- fix: invalid calls for some of the custom functions
- fix: loading default template if no templete specified
Version: 1.2.1 / april 25 2009
- new: post comments widget
- new: t2 rendering of rss rating block
- new: t2 rendering of widgets
- new: t2 templates for widgets and alternating row class
- new: t2 default templates inserted into widget
- new: inserting extra templates for each template type
- edit: many more widgets changes
- edit: few more wp28 improvements
- edit: some more settings panel reorganization
- edit: removed old rendering functions
- edit: results sorting improved
- fix: adding new multi rating sets
- fix: few small widget rendering problems
- fix: star rating widget small rendering echo bug
- fix: removed obsolete code for ie6 png fix
- fix: invalid widget sort column order
- fix: small PHP4 incompatibility
Version: 1.2.0 / april 22 2009
- new: widgets fully support wordpress 2.8
- new: t2 rendering of standard rating block
- new: t2 rendering of comment rating block
- new: t2 system supports setting of default templates for each template type
- new: multi ratings auto insertion
- new: star rating widget support for multi rating data
- new: star rating widget support for multiple categories
- new: star rating widget support for subcategories
- new: star rating widget limit articles voted for in the last number of days
- new: redesigned plugin front panel
- new: five new animated loaders
- new: auto insertion of rating block on top of the article
- new: wp filter for widget data prepare
- new: saving last voted timestamp for articles, comments and multi rating results
- new: referer protection for graphics generator to offsite prevent leeching
- edit: shortcode and functions expanded for t2 standard rating block
- edit: widgets code moved to separrate file and class
- edit: css changes for better wp 2.8 compatibility
- edit: few more minor chnages for better wp 2.8 compatibility
- edit: removed obsolete articles and comments options
- edit: removed options for hiding parts of settings tab
- edit: trend calculations updated to support multi ratings
- edit: for wp newer than 2.7 tables don't have width set
- edit: even more code reorganization and cleanup
- edit: changed loading of javascript code for widgets panel
- edit: updated readme and added twitter url
- edit: removed obsolete css styles
- edit: number of small all over changes
- fix: duplicated results in sidebard widget
- fix: sql query for widget with ranged dates
- fix: multi rating calculation division by zero
- fix: full db tables reinstall doesn't insert templates
- fix: multi rating average breaks for empty rating request
- fix: multi rating average breaks with no multi sets
- fix: shortcode form review and rating tabs crossed
- fix: rendering with t2 template setting missing
- fix: few minor css problems
- fix: number of strings missing for translation
- fix: few small typos
Version: / april 16 2009
- new: widget template tags for stars and image
- new: function to render multi rating average rating
- edit: more multi rating optimizations
- edit: star rating widget cleanup
- edit: widget publish date now has all dates option
- edit: removed some obsolete functions from main class
- fix: saving posts with no multi rating sets defined
- fix: reinstalling multi ratings db tables
- fix: generating stars for rating results table
Version: 1.1.9 / april 15 2009
- new: added average rating columns for multi rating results
- new: recalculating average multi ratings for posts
- new: recalculating average multi ratings trends for posts
- new: tool to recalculate multi ratings
- new: t2 templates system expanded with co-dependent templates
- new: t2 templates for rating and comment rating blocks
- new: t2 template for element word votes
- new: jquery datepicker polish translation
- edit: expanded functions for multi review integration
- edit: improved multi review average calculations
- edit: improved insertion of default templates into database
- edit: multi rating ajax call improved
- edit: database tables expanded for multi ratings
- edit: few css and javascript layout improvements
- fix: critical error in saving multi rating votes
- fix: some problems with database table upgrading
- fix: some of the custom functions missing elements
- fix: various small bugs
Version: 1.1.8 / march 26 2009
- new: each and all sets can be used for multi review
- new: setting to embed all the css needed into the page
- new: allowing both user and visitor votes from same ip
- new: cleaning of invalid and obsolete multi ratings data
- new: setting additional styles for ie6 browsers
- new: auto scan for stars sets on update
- new: tag definition for templates
- del: removed non-ajax voting code
- del: removed ie6 png fix support
- edit: extanded multi review shortcode with set property
- edit: cleanup now removes revisions data from database
- edit: templates t2 system beta version
- edit: optimization in checking votes
- edit: updated missing translation strings
- edit: some of the default settings changed
- edit: readme file and links
- edit: partially removed old non ajax rating code
- fix: invalid replacemnet of the comment and post rating text after voting
- fix: w3c validation error caused by invalid cdata sequence
- fix: saving review data for revision as articles
- fix: multi review rating with no set selected
- fix: setup panel missing confirmations
- fix: warning about missing multi rating set
- fix: several small problems
Version: 1.1.7 / march 10 2009
- new: more multi set related custom functions
- new: default templates inserted into database
- edit: saving review editor results
- edit: updated and cleaned up database installation
- edit: few changes to t2 system
- edit: updated missing translation strings
- fix: custom review editor function
- fix: templates t2 system bugs
Version: 1.1.6 / march 2 2009
- new: database table for templates
- new: aggregated comments for post
- new: templates t2 system alpha version
- new: tool for editing rating.css file
- new: aggregated comments rating settings
- new: alternative method for rendering static stars
- new: plain stars set
- new: cache auto cleanup implemented
- edit: reorganized folders and files (again)
- edit: setup panel redesigned
- edit: expanded gfx generating handler
- edit: listed requirements in readme file
- edit: improved tinymce plugin dialog
- fix: mysql4 varchar limits converted to text columns
- fix: saving new multi set and review setting
- fix: display rating data with element that has no title
- fix: invalid css for comment review stars
- fix: edit post multi review bug in ie7 browser
Version: 1.1.5 / february 22 2009
- new: multi ratings review
- new: multi ratings review box on edit page
- new: shortcode for multi review
- edit: default rating.css file updated
- edit: various small improvements
- fix: processing new multi set
- fix: generating styles for multi sets
- fix: editing multi sets
- fix: upgrade of multi ratings database table
Version: 1.1.4 / february 16 2009
- new: star rating default set
- new: polish translation
- new: linking javascript rating code instead of embeding it
- new: multi rating parameter read_only
- new: loading of extra css file
- new: multi rating vote without button
- new: custom multi submit button text
- new: additional features settings tab
- edit: more changes to plugin front page
- edit: updated heading for all admin pages
- edit: tinymce plugin improvements
- edit: updated icons used in admin panels
- edit: updatad powered by button
- edit: better stars sets optmization
- fix: insert new record into multi_data table
- fix: w3c validation problem with javascript
- fix: singular/plural votes returned by ajax vote call
Version: 1.1.3 / february 11 2009
- edit: updated plugin front page
- edit: cache notice moved inside the cache tab
- edit: more strict important css styles
- edit: multi set name and description limited in length
- fix: multi rating block rendering when multi rating is disabled
- fix: check if wp-content is writable
- fix: settings page problem with multi ratings disabled
- fix: loader preview backgorund color
- fix: deleting multi set after adding new one
Version: 1.1.2 / february 9 2009
- new: encoding for character set
- new: multi sets statistics page per post view
- new: multi set support for custom encoding
- edit: php multi ratings function expanded with post_id
- edit: normalized multi ratings calculations
- edit: multi rating will not render for feeds
- edit: small changes to plugin admin front page
- fix: mkdir warning problem with wp-content not writable
- fix: error with including iepngfix
- fix: error with saving new multi set
Version: 1.1.1 / february 6 2009
- new: check safe mode before checking cache folders
- edit: database alter added for multi ratings data table
- edit: default feed replaced with new feedburner feed
- fix: create new record in the database for multi ratings
- fix: saving multi rating text template
- fix: cache mkdir warning
- fix: votes count returend after voting
Version: 1.1.0 / february 5 2009
- new: post and page multi rating
- new: function for manula insertion of multi rating code
- new: integrate post rating into rss feed posts
- new: cache support and cache cleanup tool
- new: auto creating of extra folders
- new: rss integration settings
- new: rss post rendering template
- new: generate rating images
- new: gfx get type methods
- new: powered by button
- new: ajax url now made using siteurl option
- new: integrate powered by button in rss feed posts
- new: gfx set get path method
- new: multi ratings table layout
- edit: improved db install procedure
- edit: more optimizations to loading of javascript and css rating code
- edit: ajax vote now returns value always even for duplicate votes
- edit: improved saving vote functions
- edit: reorganized templates panel
- edit: main class optimizations
- edit: skip rendering loaders if voting is not allowed
- edit: renaming outside access files
- edit: renaming some of the css classes
- edit: small improvements to rating block rendering
- edit: wp 2.7 plugin menu icon
- edit: tinymce plugin icon
- edit: various small improvements
- fix: stars missing for pages comments rating
- fix: rendering of loaders for post and comment rating blocks
- fix: small problem with backgound property of rating stars
- fix: few more missing translation strings
- fix: some settings not saving properly
- fix: generating rating images
- fix: generating ajax reponse rating for comments
- fix: small and rare css bug
Version: 1.0.9 / january 13 2008
- new: expanded post edit widget
- new: multi ratings settings tab
- new: multi ratings database tables
- new: multi sets weight property for each element
- new: latest jquery ui
- new: italian datepicker translation
- new: generate full rating image methods
- new: supports both upper and lower case shortcodes
- new: shortcodes expansion added to tinymce plugin
- edit: added new official website url
- edit: updated inline debug rendering
- edit: rewriten main css file (again) produce 20%-30% smaller file
- edit: jquery theme for tabs and datepicker
- edit: small changes to settings tabs
- edit: removed some obsolete functions
- edit: few more small changes
- edit: updated gdragon lib classes
- edit: reorganized css files
- edit: some more code cleanup
- edit: improved tinymce plugin
- edit: improved translation strings
- fix: rating loader position
- fix: admin settings page problem with IE
- fix: moderation check for saving votes
- fix: small incompatibility with wordpress 2.5.x
- fix: hiding comments options when comments rating is disabled
Version: 1.0.8 / december 29 2008
- new: parameter minimum votes required for widget and shortcode
- edit: improved readme file
- edit: various small changes
- edit: prepering widget data improved
- edit: all custom functions now with phpdoc comments
- fix: invalid initialization of settings after reset or remove settings
- fix: template panel editing of time restrictions
- fix: database install invalid folder name
Version: 1.0.7 / december 24 2008
- new: rewritten database installation and upgrade
- new: function for manual rendering of blog rating widget
- new: database upgrade tool
- new: default color palette for charts
- edit: more database calls in debug file
- edit: small change in rendering blog rating widget
- edit: updated translation strings
- edit: improved user votes log
- edit: debug and install classes improvements
- fix: problems caused by incorrect database upgrade
- fix: invalid voting rules voting problem
- fix: saving rules and rating from post edit page
- fix: default debug file becauase of open_basedir restrictions
- fix: tinymce invalid translation string rendering
- fix: problem with changing timer and post rating values in post edit
Version: 1.0.6 / december 14 2008
- new: christmas style stars
- new: added italian translation
- new: added dashboard widget
- new: chart for dashboard with votes distribution
- new: import from star rating for review plugin
- new: plugin custom actions support
- new: auto insert rating for comments for pages
- new: option to disable newsfeed update on the front panel
- new: functions for getting rating objects
- new: included pchart class for charting support
- new: wordpress 2.7 navigation icon
- edit: post edit box wordpress 2.7 support
- edit: improvements to tools panel
- edit: debug check vote methods
- edit: additional code comments
- edit: small css changes for wordpress 2.7
- fix: small visual problems
- fix: blog widget control problem
- fix: editing comment review style loading
Version: 1.0.5 / december 7 2008
- new: rating css files joined into one
- new: ajax voting nonce security protection
- new: please wait message customization with preview
- new: various vote waiting animations
- new: basic support for qtranslate
- new: global debug into file support
- new: filter post and comments voters log by vote value
- new: filter user vote log by vote value
- new: saving debug info for articles and comment votes
- new: setup page confirmations
- new: debug settings tab
- new: percent value for blog rating wiget
- edit: code cleanup of the helper classes
- edit: updated readme text file
- edit: added version to inline debug info
- edit: removed obsolete preview code and settings
- fix: bottom and hidden rating text layout
- fix: default widget template and word vote/votes
- fix: widget shortcode rendering with no valid results
- fix: problem with anonymous comment authors
- fix: blog rating widget no votes value
- fix: rare saving comment vote bug
- fix: moderation control panel
- fix: scan dir for php4 not closing the directory resource
Version: 1.0.4 / november 28 2008
- new: tools for database cleanup
- new: debug info included with each rating block
- new: categories panel new column to view category archive
- new: articles panel new column to view post or page
- new: articles panel shows invalid rated post and comments in yellow
- new: sorting for voters log panel
- new: masked ip filtering
- new: range ip filtering
- edit: rewriten and optimized save votes method
- edit: improvements to articles and users panels
- edit: cleanup tools expanded to include cleanup message
- fix: rare saving votes bug
- fix: another bug voting cookie check
- fix: comments votes panel totals column
- fix: deleting votes from voters log minor bug
- fix: rating css files validity bug
- fix: rendering invalid rating value
Version: 1.0.3 / november 23 2008
- new: banned ip's db table
- new: ip's managment panel
- new: ip filtering settings
- new: tool for global date based lock
- new: tool for global rules change
- new: wordpress 2.7 styles for front page
- new: main plugin class documented with phpdoc
- edit: improved speed and reduced mysql load
- edit: changed bot detection
- edit: all includes use full path
- edit: user ip log panel
- edit: users panel improvements
- edit: small css changes
- fix: saving comment review with empty value
- fix: invalid unique ip count for users
- fix: voting cookie check
- fix: few invalid css classes
- fix: various small bugs
Version: 1.0.2 / november 12 2008
- new: comment review rating
- new: edit comment review rating
- new: managment for settings for categories
- new: users and visitors based rating info
- new: multi rating editor
- new: more functions to use in the theme
- edit: more changes to admin panels and settings
- edit: improved saving and handling settings
- edit: improved loading of css and js needed
- edit: improvement of all standalone functions
- fix: wordpress 2.7 improvements
- fix: few more typo errors
- fix: saving votes into log tables
- fix: invalid vote rule check for comments
Version: 1.0.1 / november 5 2008
- new: top ratings blog summary widget
- new: tools panel
- new: option to control saving user agent data
- new: options to hide even more options on settings pages
- edit: improved voting restrictions with ip and cookie
- edit: all files encoding changed to utf8
- edit: all files changed to windows ending
- fix: invalid default rating for new posts
- fix: full deletion of votes
- fix: auto insert comments rating
- fix: various small bugs
Version: 1.0.0 / october 31 2008
- new: pumpkin stars set
- new: full plugin uninstall
- new: rendering time testrictions
- new: front page completed
- new: voters log panel
- edit: more code cleanup
- edit: expanded rating text template
- edit: translation files updated
- fix: time restriction recalculations
- fix: rendering rating header html
- fix: default shortcode settings
- fix: page loading renaming regressions
- fix: few more typo errors
- fix: default starrating template
- fix: some small errors