GBench is a benchmarking module for Groovy. It allows you to compare the performance of programs. GBench is a sub-project of GPerfUtils.
GBench has two features: Benchmark Builder and Benchmark Transformation.
Benchmark Builder allows you to correctly benchmark programs. Groovy is a difficult language to accurately benchmark. Method caching, dynamic optimization and garbage collection by JVM, there are many factors that interfere measurement. You can resolve the issues by using Benchmark Builder. See also "Right Groovy Benchmarking" for understanding what the "correctly" means.
Benchmark Transformation allows you to measure methods’ execution time without additional code.
GBench has different versions for different Groovy versions.
For example, the versions of GBench 0.4.3 that supports from Groovy 1.7
to Groovy 2.4 are:
0.4.3-groovy-1.7, 0.4.3-groovy-1.8, 0.4.3-groovy-2.0, 0.4.3-groovy-2.1,
0.4.3-groovy-2.2, 0.4.3-groovy-2.3, 0.4.3-groovy-2.4
Download a distribution from the Maven Central repository using a dependency manager of your choice.
Groovy Grape
@Grab(group='org.gperfutils', module='gbench', version='[version]')
Apache Maven
Apache Ivy
<dependency org="org.gperfutils" name="gbench" rev="[version]" />
Download the source from the repository and build using Ant.
ant dist -Dskip.test=true
Binary jar for a specific Groovy version
ant binary -Dgroovy.version=[groovy_version] -Dskip.test=true
Compare the performance of StringBuilder
and StringBuffer
using Benchmark Builder:
def r = benchmark { // or new groovyx.gbench.BenchmarkBuilder().run {
'StringBuilder' {
def sb = new StringBuilder()
'StringBuffer' {
def sb = new StringBuffer()
/* stdout: Environment =========== * Groovy: 2.4.0 * JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (24.75-b04, Oracle Corporation) * JRE: 1.7.0_75 * Total Memory: 491.5 MB * Maximum Memory: 910.5 MB * OS: Mac OS X (10.10.1, x86_64)
Options ======= * Warm Up: Auto (- 60 sec) * CPU Time Measurement: On
user system cpu real
StringBuilder 115 0 115 117
StringBuffer 132 0 132 133
Measure the execution time of a method using Benchmark Transformation:
import groovyx.gbench.Benchmark
class Task { @Benchmark void run() { // task } }
/* stdout: Task void run() user:847000 system:1777000 cpu:2624000 real:4918000 */ ```
Other examples are available here.
- 2015-02-14 GBench 0.4.3 released ReleaseNotes043
- 2013-03-26 GBench 0.4.2 released ReleaseNotes042
- 2013-03-08 GBench 0.4.1 released ReleaseNotes041
- 2012-11-03 GBench 0.4.0 released ReleaseNotes040
- 2012-07-07 GBench 0.3.1 released ReleaseNotes031
- 2012-03-17 GBench 0.3.0 released ReleaseNotes030
- 2011-09-09 GBench 0.2.2 released ReleaseNotes022
- 2011-09-09 GBench 0.2.1 released ReleaseNotes021
- 2011-07-20 GBench 0.2.0 released ReleaseNotes020
- 2011-06-25 GBench was born!