updated 30 May 2008
Python Scripting Language:
Desired Behaviour
Event handlers will be called on input events, itterations, initialisation, collision etc.
Event Handlers
Current event handlers are:
| EVENT_INIT | when workstate is loaded |
| EVENT_KEYDOWN | when a key is pressed. Multiply by the pygame key constant to specify a key, (should this be changed to passing key as a parameter?) |
| EVENT_KEYUP | when a key is pressed. Multiply by the pygame key constant to specify a key, (should this be changed to passing key as a parameter?) |
| EVENT_ITERATION | called every frame |
| EVENT_LMOUSEUP | left mouse button up on object |
| EVENT_RMOUSEUP | right mouse button up event |
| EVENT_OFFSCREEN | called when an object if off-screen |
| EVENT_TIMER | see gameobject.set_timer()
The game object which is having an event called is referred to as self, and is a standard python object. It holds variables/methods and is not the same object which is used internally in the engine (so no worry about scripts setting variables they shouldn't). every game object also has a dict called “vars” for object variables. e.g.
Game Object Instances
Game objects (the object will normally be named self):
``` .move_velocity()
moves with velocity vx,xy (which are properties of the object)
clears the object with a plain colour
resizes the object
.draw_text(string,size=12,colour = (0,0,0))
paints a string on the object
sets a timer (gamebaker >= 0.1.3)
after [seconds] seconds TIMER_EVENT will be called, with a
local variable timermsg = [message]
.color # RGB background colour (r,g,b)
.vx # x velocity
.vy # y velocity
.sprite # string, name of the sprite
.path # Path object (see below)
.workstate # string, name of the workstate
Path instances
These will normally be called self.path
``` .new_path(style=“linear”)
creates a new path – must be called before using a path
style must be “linear” in 0.2.0
Adds a point to the path – x and y should be relative
to the gamescreen coordinates
places an object at the beginning of a path, and optionally
sets the speed along the path in pixels/second
Sets the speed along the path in pixels/second
Gets the speed of an object along a path
Moves an object along a path – do not call move_velocity() afterwards
If loop is True then if the object has reached the end of the path it will
start again from scratch.
If speed is set, it will replace the existing speed
If t is passed, it should be between 0. and 1., and is the distance
along the entire path length.
Game Screen Instances
This will normally be called gamescreen
``` .gameobjects
to access a gameobject by name you would enter
Do not remove objects direct from here – the object will remain,
but the scripting interface will be removed.
To get the list of names of game objects, use .gameobjects.keys()
Adds a new game object to the gamescreen.
“obj” should be the name of a type of game object
“name” should be the name used to refer to this instance of a game object
removes an object from .gameobjects
Checks for a collision between two game object instances
You may pass names of gameobjects, or lists of names of objects.
For checking large numbers of collisions, you should use .get_collisions
Returns pairs of game objects that have collided
obj1 and obj2 should be names of game objects, or lists of
names of game objects. All objects are compared with each other.
.move_gamescreen(target,gradual=False,maxspeed=10,acceleration=2)# moves the gamescreen to centre target ( = [x,y] ) on screen.
Set gradual = True and call each frame to move the gamescreen gently
if (gradual == False), then maxspeed and acceleration are not used.
.get_object(name) # Depreciated – set for removal in 0.3.0 # use gamescreen.gameobjects[name] instead
gets a game object instance from the current screen (by name)
``` .change_game_screen(gs=,savestate=False)
changes the gamescreen, optionally saving the state of the screen and all objects
(for those coding game baker itself)
Scripts are called using exec() in the do_event method of RunGameObject (in runtime.py). I don't think we need to secure this much - the finished game will be in python anyway so if someone wants to run malicious code they can just tag it to the end of the game.
We pass two dicts to exec - one for local vars and one for globals, but I suggest we pass all variables as "locals", as properties of objects. This is partly to ensure all variables are mutable, while keeping a local scope that can be garbage collected. If a user needs to optimise and prevent garbage collection between frames they can set variables self.whatever, which will be persistent between frames. (obviously only for the people who already know python, but I was worrying about it myself for storing large levels in script as lists)
Each game object now has a property "scriptvar", which is an instance of "scriptgameobj", and holds methods and properties accessible from scripts.
(have to rush off again, more to come... )