In order to create packages of galaxium into the PPA repository for the public to take advantage of automatic updates, you must follow the following steps. We will walk you through creating your GPG key, registering with the proper services, setting up the tools necessary to upload, and teach you how to use the package creation scripts.
You will need to install the following tools in order to use the scripts in the dist
sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential lintian devscripts dh-make fakeroot gnupg dput
NOTE: You will not be creating packages unless you are an administrator, and a member of the "Team Galaxium" group on the launchpad. Please speak to us about releases and packages if you need assistance.
Generating PPA Packages
Part 1: Setting up and using your PGP key
WARNING: When told to keep track of pieces of information, you will most likely want to store the information for future use. Keep a document that contains the information and save it somewhere.
Type the following into a terminal window:
gpg --gen-key
Answer some questions about the key you are creating, simply choosing the defaults followed by a "y" confirmation.
Using the identity format shown below, Identify yourself by name, email address and comment.
First Last (Galaxium)
Galaxium Developer
The final result should look something like this:
Larry King (Galaxium) (Galaxium Developer) <>
Choose the passphrase you will have to type in when generating packages. You may have to randomly type on the keyboard to generate random data for the generator.
WARNING: You cannot forget your passphrase, otherwise the keys are no good and you have to start over.
Type the following in a terminal window:
gpg --list-keys
Keep track of the information provided. Note the
line, the text after the/
contains the pub ID.Type the following in a terminal window:
gpg --send-keys --keyserver _<PUB ID HERE!!>_
Type the following in a terminal window:
gpg --fingerprint
Keep track of the fingerprint in the output, it looks something like: 0464 39CD 2486 190A 2C5A 0739 0E68 04DC 16E7 CB72
Go to the OpenPGP Keys page.
Paste the fingerprint you obtained earlier and press the "Import Key" button.
Check your email for a confirmation, and click on the link provided.
WARNING: Launchpad encrypts the email using your PGP key. You will need to use Evolution and then provide it your passphrase for it to decode the message.
Click the "Confirm" button once back into the website and your key should be imported.
Go to the Code of Conduct page.
Following the on-screen instructions to download the most recent Code of Conduct, then sign it using GPG.
Part 2: Generating package and details
Open a terminal window to the
folder in the svn.Type the following command in the terminal window:
sh <set> <url> <dist> <version> <release> [-f]
Set: Should be "galaxium" or "galaxium-svn"
URL: Put in the URL of the folder in SVN that points to the code.
Dist: The distribution this package is targetted for.
Version: The version of the code in SVN you pointed to.
Release: A
value if its a release, or0
value if its development.The -f flag is used to force the building of new packages, even if the revision has not changed.
- The ~/.galaxium_dist folder will contain the data that is generated.
Part 3: Uploading and monitoring packages
- Create a new file
with the following contents:
fqdn =
method = ftp
incoming = ~galaxium/ppa/ubuntu/
login = anonymous
allow_unsigned_uploads = 0
Browse to the
.List the files in this folder to get the "changes" file name.
Type the following command in the terminal window:
dput galaxium-ppa <filename>.changes