The general idea is to leverage the efficiency of the RETE-UL algorithm and a logic programming meta-interpreter as the 'engine' for a Python-based open-source expert system for the semantic web, built on Python. It is inspired by its predecessors: cwm, pychinko - Rete-based RDF friendly rule engine, and euler - Euler proof mechanism.
Fuxi requires layercake (preferred) and it is not compatible with rdflib 3.+ or 4+. See the install documentation (below)
There is a wiki with instructions on installing FuXi for a first-time user or developer.
There is a document that covers testing
There is a hello-world Tutorial. API documentation is here.
New FuXi has a sketched out formal semantics (based on classic Logic Programming), see: FuXiSemantics
References: * Description Logic Programs: Combining Logic Programs with Description Logic * A Realistic Architecture for the Semantic Web * SWRL: A Semantic Web Rule Language Combining OWL and RuleML * W3C RIF WG Core (Draft) * Completeness, decidability and complexity of entailment for RDF Schema and a semantic extension involving the OWL vocabulary * Production Matching for Large Learning Systems