Hi all,
I am really new to jquery so I am bumping along getting the calendar set up.
when configuring the calendar , how do you specify multiple source files. I need to have possibly 5 source files from different systems. I tried making an array, but any time I define more than one file for events or eventSources, my calendar losses all the calendar entries? Is there a location with a good intro tutorial on using all the APIs
Comment #1
Posted on Nov 17, 2009 by Massive Lionjust an update I have gotten the eventSources array working and looks good, but I am having a problem in ie6 where it is not loading the events on page load and I get a js error saying undefined is null or not an object. If I switch to day view and click back and forth my test dates start showing from only one of the files?
has anyone dealt with this issue before?
here is my eventSources array
'msCal.txt', // location of Cal JSON script
'msLogBook.txt', // location of LogBook JSON object
'msEvents.txt' //location of the Events JSON object
Comment #2
Posted on Nov 21, 2009 by Helpful Monkeyhello, its probably b/c the json in one of the txt is not formatted correctly. ie6 is very picky about commas. it will be invalid if there is a comma after the last item in an array. could be the problem
Comment #3
Posted on Nov 27, 2009 by Helpful Monkeyi'm closing out this thread, hope you got it to work. reply back if you have any more problems. thanks
Status: Done