Please see: for an up-to-date documentation of all Freebase API services
|Name|search| |:---|:-----| |Description|Provides basic text search service, based on a query string and some optional constraints.| |Accessible Via|/api/service/search| |HTTP GET|True | |HTTP Post|False | |Special Headers|None | |Login Required|False | |Required Arguments|None | |Optional Arguments|prefix: a prefix to do an auto-complete on (may be incomplete) - default| | |query: the string to do a search for| | |type: type of items to match for| | |limit: the maximum number of results to return, default is 20| | |start: offset from which to start returning results, default is 0| | |escape: how to escape results (html or false), default is html| |Extra Arguments Ignored|True | |Response Format|application/json|
Example result for /api/service/search?query=Casino&limit=1
{ "code": "/api/status/ok",
"result": [
"guid": "#9202a8c04000641f80000000009c1234",
"id" : "\/wikipedia\/en_id\/3191060",
"alias" : [],
"name": "Casino Royale",
"article": { "id": "#9202a8c04000641f80000000009cddab" },
"image": { "id": "#9202a8c04000641f80000000011939bd" },
"type" : [
"id": "/common/topic",
"name" : "Topic"
"id": "/film/film",
"name" : "Film"
}, ...
}, ...