
Fluent builders generator for Eclipse

Project started at
Sabre Polska's HackDay

A plugin that is going to change your way of creating Java objects, by leveraging the idea of fluent interfaces. By using it, You get: * ease of creating objects in one clean and readable method-chain * clever collections support * creation of complex object trees empowered by IDE's code completion

What is the idea of Fluent builders ?

Fluent Builder is a variant of the Builder pattern that uses Fluent interface.

Fluent builders are especially handy when instantiating data objects within unit tests. To see the benefit, compare following two examples:

  1. This code sample is a JUnit test method that uses fluent builder:

``` @Test public void shouldFindByActorWithFluentBuilder() { // given List movies = Arrays.asList( MovieBuilder.movie().withTitle("Blade Runner") // <- here's the builder used .withAddedActor("Harrison Ford") .withAddedActor("Rutger Hauer") .build(), MovieBuilder.movie().withTitle("Star Wars") // <- ... and also here .withAddedActor("Carrie Fisher") .withAddedActor("Harrison Ford") .build());

// when
List<Movie> found = movieFinder.findByActor(movies, "Carrie Fisher");

// then
assertEquals(1, found.size());
assertEquals("Star Wars", found.get(0).getTitle());

} ```

  1. The same test using plain setters would be longer and much less readable:

``` @Test public void shouldFindByActorWithSetterObjectConstruction() { // given Movie movieBladeRunner = new Movie();

movieBladeRunner.setTitle("Blade Runner");
movieBladeRunner.setActors(Arrays.asList("Harrison Ford", "Rutger Hauer"));

Movie movieStarWars = new Movie();

movieStarWars.setTitle("Star Wars");
movieStarWars.setActors(Arrays.asList("Carrie Fisher", "Harrison Ford"));

List<Movie> movies = Arrays.asList(movieBladeRunner, movieStarWars);

// when
List<Movie> found = movieFinder.findByActor(movies, "Carrie Fisher");

// then
assertEquals(1, found.size());
assertEquals("Star Wars", found.get(0).getTitle());

} ```

To see more advanced examples go to Examples page.

Installation instructions

Update site (recommended)

The latest version of the plugin can be found here:


Manual installation

Just get the latest plugin jar and put it into the dropins/ subdirectory of your Eclipse installation.

Plugin usage

The builder class is generated based on your Java class obeying the Java Bean conventions for getters and setters.

In order to generate the builder, open the source for your class and from the context menu choose Source -> Generate Fluent Builder...


Then fill the wizard form and click the Finish button


Project Information

builder generator plugin eclipse fluent builders generators pojo javabean bean java