
File Information Tool Set

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File Information Tool Set (FITS)

What is it?

The File Information Tool Set (FITS) identifies, validates, and extracts technical metadata for various file formats. It wraps several third-party open source tools, normalizes and consolidates their output, and reports any errors. FITS was created by the Harvard University Library Office for Information Systems for use in its Digital Repository Service (DRS).

Source code is now stored in Github:

The current tools used are: * Jhove (LGPL version 2.1 or any later version) * Exiftool (GPL version 1 or any later version; or the artistic license) * National Library of New Zealand Metadata Extractor (Apache Public License version 2) * DROID (BSD (new version)) * FFIdent (LGPL) * Note that the live site for ffident which was seems to have disappeared - we are now linking to Internet Archive's version of the ffident website. * File Utility (windows) (revised BSD)

The source code for each of the above tools is available on their websites. The source code for FITS is included in the downloadable ZIP file as well as the source tab above.

FITS also supplies two original tools: FileInfo and XmlMetadata.

In addition, FITS includes the following open source libraries: * JDOM (Apache-like license, modified Apache version 1.1) * staxmate (BSD (new version)) * stax2 (LGPL version 2.1) * Woodstox (LGPL version 2.1) * xercesImpl (Apache Public License version 2) * xml-apis (Apache Public License version 2) * xmlunit (BSD (new version))

The source code for each of the above libraries is available on their websites.

To get started see the FITS User Guide.


**Note that starting with release 0.3.0 Java 1.6 is required.


-Initial merge and commit from openfits

-Updated Exiftool to 9.06

-Improved video support with Exiftool

-Fixed ordering of File utility command line options

-New configuration option to limit the max number of threads

-Fixed bug in how the include-ext and exclude-ext lists were being processed

-Added a new option to enable output of statistics

-Initial experimental support for Apache Tika - disabled by default.

  • Version 0.6.1 (4/25/12)

    • Fixed issue 27: Fits with -r overwrites output files with same filename but different path

    • Added new output option -xc. This will output converted standard output format (MIX, TextMD, DocumentMD, AES57) within the FITS XML <fits>/<metadata>/<xxxx>/<standard> element, where <xxxx> is either <image>, <text>, <document>, <audio>, or <video>.

    • Added eml to the Jhove exclude-ext list

    • Improved FitsOutput API

  • Version 0.6.0 (10/25/11)
  • Performance enhancement to make all tools run in parallel in individual threads

  • Added the ADL tool for the identification of Audio Decision List files

  • Added options to process directories of files. When -i is set to a directory -o must also be set to a directory. The new -r option will process directories recursively when -i is a directory.

  • Added <filepath> element to FileInfo tool, updated fits_output.xsd

  • Fixed bug in normalizing Exiftool format output for TIFFs. "TIFF EXIF" is not output as "Tagged Image File Format"

  • Fix to use <fileinfo>/<created> value for <mix:GeneralCaptureInformation>/<mix:dateTimeCreated> when using -x switch

  • Version 0.5.0 (02/24/11)
  • Improved support for audio formats

  • Ability to convert audio metadata to the AES audioObject schema using the -x option

  • Now ising NLNZ VERSION element instead of VERSION-NAME for MP3 files

  • Fixed incorrect JP2 version reported by Exiftool

  • Better identification of JP2 and JPX images (OIS bug 2876)

  • Updated File Utility XSLT to improve format output (OIS bug 2897)

  • Fixed DROID format output for SVG files (OIS bug 2968)

  • Added ability to extract DTD references to the XmlMetadata tool from XML DOCTYPE declaration (OIS bug 2967)

  • Changed file utility call to use --mime instead of -i. File 5.03 on OS X uses -I rather than -i to print the mime type and mime encoding. --mime works on Linux and OS X.

  • Tweaked Jhove XSLT conversion of image height and width elements for files containing multiple images. When multiple height or width values are found only the first one is used.

  • Improved identification of EXIF and JFIF JPEGs.

  • Version 0.4.2 (07/06/10)
    • Fixed an issue with the <identification> element status attribute. If multiple tools agree with the identified format and there are no other identity conflicts then the attribute is omitted. The SINGLE_RESULT status attribute is used only if a single tool successfully identifies the file. Thanks to Swithun Crowe for the patch.
  • Added -e cdf parameter to the Windows File Utility call to prevent crashes when processing files that produce a large amount of output.

  • Version 0.4.1 (06/30/10)
    • Improved handling of File Utility output for text files
  • Added 'Postscript' as a more specific format of 'Plain text' to fits_format_tree.xml

  • Added 'JPEG File Interchange Format' as a more specific format of 'Raw JPEG Stream' to fits_format_tree.xml

  • Version 0.4 (6/28/10)
    • Fixed Jhove colorspace output, mapping "Greyscale" to "Grayscale"
  • Updated DROID signature file to V35, made configurable in xml/fits.xml

  • Updated OTS-Schemas.jar fixing several issues with MIX output conversion

  • Fixed Exiftool primary chromaticities output

  • Fixed Exiftool and Jhove orientation output.

  • Updated File Utility to support version 5.03

  • Changed format tree <branch format="text"> to <branch format="Plain text">

  • Added Hypertext Markup Language as a child branch of Plain text in the format tree

  • Standard XML output (-x) is now pretty printed

  • Version 0.3.2 (02/18/10)]
    • Fixed identification of PDF/A and PDF/X formats
  • Added Ant build files to release (issue #8)

  • Added patch from beerchr1 to tweak video output and support flash video (issue #9)

  • Version 0.3.1 (02/01/10)
    • Fixed error when trying to convert FITS output to a standard metadata schema for a file that does not have sufficient output that can be converted (issue #6)
  • Fixed bugs in FitsOutput

  • Added patch from beerchr1 to add basic video support (issue #7)

  • Version 0.3.0 (01/14/10)
    • Added API support for converting output to MIX, TextMD and DocumentMD
  • Added command line support (-x) for outputting MIX, TextMD or DocumentMD

  • Updated NLNZ, Jhove, and Exiftool output values to be compatible with MIX

  • Added API feature (issue #4) to disable individual tools

  • Updated Jhove to version 1.5

  • Using byteoffset=true option for Jhove TIFF module

  • Fixed issue #3: using relative path instead of $FITS_HOME/path in xml/nlnz/config.xml & in XSLT when for xml/fits_output.xsd

  • Fixed issue #5: FITS 0.2.6 output file showing FITS version as 0.2.5

  • Version 0.2.6
    • Fixed bug that was causing external identification information to be dropped from the output.
  • Version 0.2.5
    • initial release

Project Information

Java Jhove Exiftool DROID