fit4delphi is a Delphi port of Ward Cunningham's FIT framework, see http://fit.c2.com.
Based on partial ports done by Salim Nair and Martin Chernenkoff.
The idea is to allow FIT tests for Borland Delphi and Borland C++ Builder classes.
Please visit FIT's introduction to understand, what FIT is all about.
Delphi FIT Server for FitNesse (for Win32/Win64)
Contains support for the following fixtures * Column Fixture * Row Fixture * Action Fixture * Table Fixture * Row Entry Fixture
To know more detail information about current development status, See ProjectStatus.
- Preparing to implement SLIM - new way to access to System Under Test
- Fixed problem with running tests from command line
- Fixed problem with URL encoding
I'm looking for volunteers to make port of FitLibrary[2008-10-06]
- Implemented DelphiTestRunner.
- FitServer renamed to DelphiFitServer.
- FitRunner renamed to DelphiFitRunner.
- Some bug fixes.
- All paths are relative. There is no need to define environment variable DelphiFit.
- Solved problem with path names containing spaces.
- Updated SummaryFixture.
- Added FitRunner to run tests from command line.