
Simple, fast, lightweight - portable INI parser for ANSI C++

Due to Google's recent changes to Google Code, the project has been moved to: https://github.com/Turbine1991/feather-ini-parser

Reasons for FIP

There are already a variety of INI parser's already available, here are some reasons for the
-Fully C++ 98 compliant, making it compatible with all modern C++ environments. (Linux, Mac, Windows, GCC, Clang, MSVC++)

-There are few depandency-less INI libraries, many of these may not be cross-platform and have shocking compiler support.

-Out of these larger libraries, a shift to XML and other data object models has deprecated INI functionality and in some cases dropped support.

-Most standalone parsers are written in C, implementing poor, cumbersome memory management.

-Many interpret the file directly from an I/O device, rather than parse to memory, due to them being aimed at embedded devices. Does not suit everyone.

-It was necessary to store/access the data using std containers at any level, allowing for more flexible and efficient INI management.

-Intuitive to use and easy to integrate into projects by developers.

-Supports of other data types other than strings. Avoiding the need for unnecessary converstions in certain cases, and dealing with numeric data types over strings can increase performance significantly.

-Additional features like being able to simply seek sections and keys, sort order, save/load as a binary file, converting.

Project Information

The project was created on Jul 22, 2011.

CPlusPlus ini parser parsing efficient