FBSQL Project Goals
fbsql aims at easing the use of Firebird and Interbase databases by providing clean client-libraries for different languages. The raw Firebird/Interbase-API is very awkward and hard to work with, while fbsql is easy and straight-forward like for example the sqlite- and mysql-APIs are. Currently C and Lisp are supported. fbsql uses IBPP, a C++ Interbase/Firebird API for it's implementation. It's basically just a thin wrapper around IBPP to make it accessible in C, and therefore in any other language.
Supported Platforms
Current Linux with GCC, Windows with mingw and Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 are tested. The code is rather portable, so I believe on every platform where the firebird client-library and IBPP are accessible, fbsql will work, too. As for the Lisp-library, I've only tested it with CLISP on Linux, yet. Again, this should be rather portable to most Lisp-implementations and platforms, too.
Example Code
Here's an example C-code which connects to a database and selects the IDs of the table "test": ```
include "fbsql.h"
int main() { struct fbsql_database *db; struct fbsql_transaction *tr; struct fbsql_statement *st; int id; db = fbsql_database_new("localhost","/pub/firebird/Test1.fdb","sysdba","5735","","iso8859_1",""); fbsql_database_connect(db);
tr = fbsql_transaction_new_with_defaults(db); fbsql_transaction_start(tr);
st = fbsql_statement_new(db,tr); fbsql_statement_prepare(st,"select id from test"); fbsql_statement_execute(st); while(fbsql_statement_fetch(st)) { if( fbsql_statement_get_integer(st, 1, &id) ) printf("ID: NULL\n"); else printf("ID: %d\n",id); } fbsql_statement_close(st); fbsql_statement_delete(st); fbsql_transaction_rollback(tr); fbsql_transaction_delete(tr); fbsql_database_disconnect(db); fbsql_database_delete(db); return 0; } ```
I've added a "Sneak-Preview" download today, that's the base of what will be the first release. It should already be pretty usable, basic tests all worked out. Check it out at the download-page!