
Lua binding to Firebird RDBMS

This is fbclient 0.5, the latest version based on alien, compatible with Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2. A version for LuaJIT2 based on the native ffi interface http://luapower.com/fbclient'>is in progress.

fbclient is a binding of the Firebird client library for the Lua language (why?). It comes as a collection of Lua modules that allows you to connect and execute queries against the http://www.firebirdsql.org/'>Firebird Relational Database. It aims at full API coverage.


  • 3-layer API: object interface, procedural interface, and binding
  • written in Lua, all binding goes through alien
  • aims at full API coverage, including the latest Firebird API additions
  • decimals of up to 15 digits of precision with only Lua numbers
  • full 64bit integer and decimal number support through bignum libraries
  • multi-database transactions
  • blobs, both segmented blobs and blob streams
  • info API: info on databases, transactions, statements, blobs, etc.
  • error reporting API
  • service manager API: remote backup & restore, repair, user management, etc.
  • binding to multiple client libraries in the same application/process
  • tested against all Firebird 2.0, 2.1 and 2.5 releases on 32bit Windows and Linux (test suite included).


You can download and install fbclient automatically using LuaRocks (see http://code.google.com/p/fbclient/source/browse/'>rockspec and package):

luarocks install fbclient

Alternatively, you can download the sources manually, and add the fbclient directory to package.path, as with any Lua-only package. The dependencies are:

  • alien 0.5.0+ (some tips on building it in case you need to)
  • LOOP 2.3+ (for the object interface only; only loop.base really making the whole dependency easy to remove if wanted)
  • optionally one of the supported bignum libraries, if you want support for 64bit integers and 16-18 digit decimals.

You also need the fbclient (or fbembed) shared library itself plus its own dependencies. If you have Firebird installed on your client host, then it is already installed system-wide. Otherwise, you can find it in the binary distribution of Firebird for your platform (links to the right). Copy firebird.msg and all the shared libraries from bin to a place where your OS can find and load them. You can also get all the files from the test suite (see downloads section).


local fb = require 'fbclient.class'

local at = fb.attach('localhost/3050:/my/db.fdb', 'SYSDBA', 'masterkey')
local sql = 'select id, name from inventions where inventor = ? and name like ?'
for st, id, name in at:exec(sql, 'Farnsworth', '%booth') do
print(id, name)

Ok, fbclient can do a little more than that. Here's the main modules:

  • fbclient.class - the OOP interface
  • fbclient.wrapper - the lower-level procedural interface
  • fbclient.service_class - the service manager interface, an OOP interface for accessing Firebird's Service Manager
  • fbclient.blob - optional module for working with blobs
  • fbclient.decimal_* - optional bignum support modules

If going procedural you may want to grab the Interbase 6 API Guide and Firebird 2.1 and 2.5 Release Notes (links to the right). Hopefully, you'd still prefer it to plain C.


If you have any suggestions, don't like the API or just want to share your experience using the library, drop me a note at cosmin.apreutesei@gmail.com. You can also leave comments on every page of the wiki, or beside the source code.

Please use the http://code.google.com/p/fbclient/issues/list'>issue tracker for doing bugs & feat requests, this way they stick and you can track their progress. When reporting non-obvious bugs, it would help to specify your OS, server version, fbclient.dll (.so) version and database ODS version. Also, try downloading and running the automated test suite for your platform (it's very easy to setup) and see if it runs without any failures and that the output values look good.

Project Information

Firebird Interbase Lua Database