
python package for database inspection

Fathom is Python3 package that provides database inspection. It creates an objective model of database schema and allows you to easily retrieve information about it. Currently Fathom works with: * Sqlite3 * PostgreSQL * MySQL * Oracle

If you wish to see Fathom in action you can take a look at either Fathom-Tools which provide some small database tools and utility functions or QFathom which is a graphical database inspection tool written using PyQt. All code is built on top of Fathom library.


Example use on sample database created by Django project:


import fathom db = fathom.get_sqlite3_database('example/example.db') list(db.tables.keys()) ['auth_permission', 'auth_group', 'auth_user_user_permissions', 'django_site', 'fbinteg_facebookuserprofile', 'django_content_type', 'django_session','auth_user_groups', 'decisions_vote', 'decisions_optioncomment', 'decisions_unpublishedoption', 'django_admin_log', 'auth_group_permissions', 'decisions_decision', 'common_temporaryfile', 'common_settings', 'decisions_decisioncomment', 'common_userprofile', 'auth_message', 'decisions_option', 'auth_user', 'decisions_unpublisheddecision'] list(db.tables['auth_user'].columns.keys()) ['username', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'is_active', 'email', 'is_superuser', 'is_staff', 'last_login', 'password', 'id', 'date_joined'] ```

Project Information

The project was created on Feb 26, 2011.

python Database sqlite PostgreSQL MySQL python3