
Oskar Wicha's ActionScript 3 face detection and face recognition library using Eigenfaces

Face recognition (do not to be confused with face detection) library for Flex applications. Library uses Eigenface (PCA) method for face recognition. You can use is it for recognition of any kind of objects not only faces.

Now library uses Vectors instead of Arrays which combined with source code optimizations resulted in 50% performance increase.


  • Flex 3.5 SDK or later (to use with Flex 4.6 SDK or later use version 1.2, 1.3 or SVN version)

  • Flex Builder or Flex SDK setup to target compilation for Flash Player 10 or later.

Latest version is always in SVN repository. More info how to get it from there in http://code.google.com/p/face-recognition-library-as3/source/checkout'>Source tab.

http://vimeo.com/13466389'>Video of FaceRecognizerForBrowser (simple example using this library)

http://oscylo.site50.net/facerecognizerforbrowser/FaceRecognizerForBrowser.html'>FaceRecognizerForBrowser (simple example using this library)

http://oscylo.site50.net/facerecognizerforbrowseralpha/FaceRecognizerForBrowser.html'>FaceRecognizerForBrowser using FaceRecognitionLib v.1.3 Alpha 1 (Alpha version available in SVN repository)

http://bit.ly/FaReLibDemo1'>Video of face detection and recognition using camera and library in v1.3 Alpha 2 (Source code on "Downloads" page)

Code for this example is http://code.google.com/p/face-recognition-library-as3/downloads/list'>here (comments both in English and Polish)

https://vimeo.com/81736902'>Cool project using library by Luis Guajardo Díaz

Tutorial: http://active.tutsplus.com/tutorials/media/automatically-tag-photos-with-the-as3-face-recognition-library/'>Automatically Tag Photos with the AS3 Face Recognition Library - Activetuts+

http://oscylo.site50.net/face-recognition-library-as3-asdoc-polish/'>Library documentation in Polish (Dokumentacja biblioteki po polsku)

http://oscylo.site50.net/face-recognition-library-as3-asdoc-english-alpha%20version/'>Library documentation in English (old package structure)

Your feedback will be appreciated:

http://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/face-recognition-library-as3-users'>Users forum


If you made some improvements to library or found some errors let me know.

If you like the library, you can support it also by donation.



Project Information

ActionScript Flex Face Recognition Identyfication Detection OpenCV Eigenface PCA Library AS3 Eigenfaces Browser Flash AIR