
ElasticWulf: Beowulf cluster run on Amazon EC2

The ElasticWulf project consists of Python command line tools to launch and configure a beowulf cluster on Amazon EC2. We also include AMI build scripts for master and worker nodes based on x64 Fedora Core 6 instances.

The final machine images are publicly available on Amazon:

IMAGE ami-e813f681 datawrangling-images/FC6×64-ec2wulf-master.manifest.xml

IMAGE ami-eb13f682 datawrangling-images/FC6×64-ec2wulf-worker.manifest.xml

The Python cluster management code should be uploaded the Monday after PyCon...

The new x64 images include IPython1 and other useful packages like:

  • Numpy/Scipy
  • ipython
  • matplotlib
  • OpenMPI
  • MPICH2
  • LAM
  • Xwindows
  • NFS
  • Ganglia
  • C3 tools
  • Twisted
  • mpi4py
  • boto

Project Information

python ec2 beowulf mpi ipython