
Dwarf: Android 3D Framework

An android framework/game engine consisting of a scene graph plus some utility classes. It's mainly aimed to abstract OpenGL ES. It's developed to function with the Android Dev Phone 1 that features an accelerometer, magnetometer, touchscreen and trackball. If you got another device, please test it and report back!

Some of the current features: * Spatial key frame animations (no morphing) * Picking * OBJ importer * Binary importer/exporter * Lighting * Materials * Simple sensor filtering * VBO support

In the current state, it's tightly integrated with a demo application.

Some missing features: * Textures * Blending * Rendering queues * Lines and points. Currently only geometrics based upon triangles are supported. * Collision detection

Tested phones: * Android Dev Phone 1 / G1 * HTC Hero (Thanks to letrocquermick) * HTC Tattoo (Thanks to letrocquermick) * Google Nexus One * Motorola DROID

Note, the test application currently needs a trackball to be able to switch to the "first person" 3D View as seen on the Youtube video.

See the youtube demo.

Project Information

android 3d scenegraph sensors luleåtekniskauniversitet ltu