/ * doSymfony 2.0.0 Ready Edition * Base Software : Symfony 2.0.0 Standard Edition * Editor : Phicheth Kijtaow * Company Name : doHew Media * Editor Website : http://www.dohew.com * Editor Email : webmaster@dohew.com /
Welcome to doSymfony 2.0.0 - come with fully function of symfony2 standard edition with full repo update for all vendors including.
Ready Edition - No git request. all you need already include in pack. Accept share hosting, VPS or your own server.
Update allow via git - if you have git install then you can update new version of Symfony or vendors anytimes.
include Offline manual and API of Symfony 2.0.0
Please, sent any question to webmaster@dohew.com
Project Information
The project was created on Aug 6, 2011.
- License: MIT License
- svn-based source control