
Django related utilities

Welcome to Django Utils

my english sucks, I know, sorry ;)

On this page I will collect some useful utilities and applications for Django.

(I'm currently very busy so regretfully changes/fixes are slow)

Most of the work is done in 0.1 branch ( -- use this.

Help wanted

During my current schedule I can't promise to give enough attention to this project, if someone wants to lend a hand it will be great!



Most of the current development is moved to the 0.1 branch!

  • Localization support for localization (l10n).
  • Thumbnails thumbnail generation tags and utilities with ImageWithThumbnailField to support it.
  • TranslationService: translation service for data stored in database.
  • Utils misc utilities.

Code snippets

  • Using form manipulator for data in multiple models -- depreciated -- use newforms instead

Other resources

My Django powered sites

Project Information

python django