
Experimental replacement for Django's get_absolute_url method.

Experimental replacement for Django's get_absolute_url method, as described on ReplacingGetAbsoluteUrl.

For the moment I've implemented it as a mixin class. Here's how you use it:

``` from django.db import models from django_urls.base import UrlMixin

class ArticleWithPathDefined(models.Model, UrlMixin): slug = models.SlugField()

def get_url_path(self):
    return '/articles/%s/' % self.slug

class AssetWithUrlDefined(models.Model, UrlMixin): domain = models.CharField(max_length=30) filename = models.CharField(max_length = 30)

def get_url(self):
    return 'http://%s/assets/%s' % (self.domain, self.filename)


You need to define either get_url_path or get_url on a model - there's no need to define both. If you define one, the other will magically start working. Here's an example session using the above models:


article = ArticleWithPathDefined.objects.create(slug = 'my-article') article.get_url() 'http://localhost/articles/my-article/' article.get_url_path() '/articles/my-article/' asset = AssetWithUrlDefined.objects.create(domain='', filename='logo.png') asset.get_url() '' asset.get_url_path() '/assets/logo.png' ```

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