
An heterogeneous database replication engine written using Django

Project is now located at:

This project started by my necessity to replicate & aggregate from many Oracle databases to one MySQL database. I was provided only with read-only access to the Oracle servers & databases.

So far django_replicate can do Master-Slave replication in the following manner: one-to-one table, many-to-one (fan-in) and one-to-many (fan-out) incremental replication. Differential replication with deletes & updates and full snapshot support is in the works.

Django_replicate can be added as a Django app to an existing project or as a stand alone program.

All configuration for django_replicate is done through the django admin interface. Logging is done using the python logging facility so sending the logs to diferent destination is easy, by default logs are sent to the console and to an internal table using a custom logging handler.

So far django_replicate has been tested using Oracle as a master and MySQL as slave, but since it uses python's DB-API should work with all the DBMS that it supports.

Project Information

django replication database python heterogeneous opensource open source linux